The secret to eating to improve the ' room ' story

A balanced breakfast

So: your meals should include protein and fiber, such as yogurt and fresh fruit or peanut butter with toast. This combination makes the body lose more time to digest. So, you will have the energy stability for the morning, helps you not Moody when at work or at home, bring comfortable mood with your mates.

Not so: the loading too much energy. As energy-rich meals of bread and cream cheese will be the disaster caused soaring blood sugar and then plummeted, causing the sluggish, you don't want to do anything except sleep.


So: fat needed for the production of the hormone "love". If you have a low-fat diet, the hormone will be lower and desires it also decreases. However, just eating unsaturated fats found in olive oil, fish oil, walnuts.

Don't: eating too much red meat and grilled food. Saturated fat which will clog, reducing the circulation of the blood vessels. When the blood supply gets clogged, the blood in the genital organs are also less cause my sister with no sense of euphoria.  Particularly for men, they are the risk factors for erectile dysfunction.

Water and beverage

So: drink plenty of water, especially after sleep, wake up, because at that point, your body over time lost the most water. Lack of water meant that the fluid for "love" also decreases.

During the day, savor the drink low calorie, eat foods containing a lot of water. A glass of wine or cocktail at night will help the circulation of healthy activities for the duration of the relationship.

Not so: the abuses the drink contains more caffeine such as tonic water, iced tea, coffee or alcohol. They will impact the central nervous system makes you awake to the stress levels or drowsiness and reduced sexual desire.


So: according to the study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Associatio, compounds in black chocolate called phenylethylamine, help increase the feelings of arousal, sexual desire between the two.

Medical journal The Journal of Sexual Medicine also revealed that those who ate at least one black chocolate bars per day will have impressive experience with blanket and pillow.

Don't: eating too much before bedtime as this will make the overwhelming amount of blood in the wrong location, on the digestive organs instead of focusing to the genitalia.=
