The secret to keep 'love fire' for couples

"It" has the effect of relieving pain, help you sleep, stress and also help spouses resolve disagreements quickly. Don't let others make you distracted with you life, by may, when you realize how important sex then the flame of love has gradually low.

"It" has the effect of relieving pain, stress, do you sleep.

Always believe that yourself sexy

"One of the most important sexual habits of the happy couple that is they always see" partners "is the only person who can evoke sexual desire in them. This is a basic step to help young couples always feel happy when "love". This also strengthened the feeling mutual sexual desire ", Dr. Ursula Ofman-clinical psychologist to know".

He also added that this very important, by many of the women are usually dominated by the idea that all men are sexual need instead of focusing on the emotions of people are in.

Romantic, warm space

The bedroom should be light yellow lights with warm, soothing music, gentle aroma of sure clean pillows and light fragrance of perfume thoang occasionally;

To achieve the best psychological state, both should be devoted to each other what the most cuddly, most romantic, most especially with lang as a new sleep dress, favorite perfume, smell ... like that feeling of excitement will come really fast, and sink.

Just think of the fun

The funniest sayings of guy makes you laugh all day. And always be like that. This is also a way to help both reduce stress. "The happy couple usually tell stories as positive instead of always talking about things they don't like, or to condemn" the sex expert, Jane Greer said.

Sex experts also recommended that if the "technique" of him does not make you happy, please discuss the matter in a delicate way to both always happy when "closer".

Schedule for "it"

Busy work, the family, the children occupy a lot of time for both spouses. That is why many young couples often lazy or suspended is "blanket pillow". However, to avoid this situation, you should schedule for everything including the "Committee". "Many people believe that sex is something very natural to them. This is true, but we are living in a social hustle and busy, we dominated with many things, "Dr. Ofman said. The scheduling Committee to help create wire connection between the two.

Of course this is not an "obligation" that this timetable is married reminder should not be distracted.=
