Unveiled 8 times when she craved it: 99% of women were embarrassed to say it but were most passionate on the bed

1. When she was lonely for too long

If your woman has not met anyone for a long time, she needs to find someone to relieve her dry thirst. And you can be the object.

2. When two people are apart

When two people have little time to spend with each other, whenever they meet again, they will have a few days to spare each other all the time, energy and sweet pillow stories.

This is also the time when women have a myriad of energy sources to meet their needs.

3. When watching romantic movies or sexy pictures

Not only gentlemen, but even women feel excited and excited when watching hot erotic movies. Therefore, one of the ways to help you refresh the 'story' is by both watching a movie about the situation.

Please invest time to choose a good and romantic movie, with her sitting shoulder to shoulder enjoying the film in a quiet evening and exchanging affectionate and intimate gestures. You will receive a 'reward' worthy of your efforts. Enjoy the emotional moments and poses.

4. When she is happy

Just like anger, sadness, extreme happiness will bring joy to women.

It's as simple as having her find a new job, she gets a raise that also increases her emotions and makes her desire to do it with you.

5. She is more 'excited' in the morning

After a long sleep, the time in the morning is the moment when the body is full of energy . for a long day of work and for the whole thing. It will not take too much of your time and effort to stimulate her and provoke the feeling of 'love' in the morning, because this is simply the time when her desire is full of the day.

6. The 14th and 15th day of the red light cycle

According to a study by the University of Lethbridge in Canada, during ovulation, it is about 14 to 15 days from the end of the last cycle of the previous cycle, the woman will think about it more.

They even think about men more and feel comfortable. On average, women will think about men and stories about 0.77 times / day. However, in the last 3 days of ovulation, this rate is increased to 1.6 times a day.

The reason is that on the days of ovulation, estrogen levels of female sex hormones are more secreted, making women more desirable.

7. When you have to stop it

A recent survey conducted over the internet has shown that men who have had regular partnerships and relationships and are currently single can only end the affair for the maximum amount of time. 3 weeks.

For women, they may love longer but this is not their ability at all, but because there are many reasons why women must abstain from love. For example, the days when the red light is on, the time after the child is born .

8. When jealous

It sounds paradoxical, but jealousy is exactly what drives women's desire to rise to the climax. She was jealous because she loved you, she felt afraid to lose you. So let her know how intense you love her when you're in bed.
