10 signs that you're like the guy

1. your eyes watch over guy

When he found out on, his eyes are always watching the guy? You will not look as someone long ago if not for a reason. And when there is silence in the conversation between the two of you, and he has often looked straight into the eyes of each other? It shows you have to like the person you're looking at.

2. Eager to receive the message from guy

How would you feel when seeing his name shows up on the phone ? If you feel excited, thrilled and read the message immediately, you sure spent emotional for him. Or are you sad not when a new reply to him later? Please see the response, you might wonder about themselves.

3. You dress more beautiful

When starting to love someone, you will better featured. Sure you will wish yourself fascinated him in the eye. The more you pay attention to the clothes, hairstyle to impress. You always appear with glamorous looks and more fun by the romantic mood for love. You also want to impress him by constantly updated information on the current issues.

4. is disappointed when the guy suddenly disappear no reason

Suddenly a beautiful day, the young school vacation/holiday work or disappeared not reason, makes you feel very disappointed. Compare his feeling when another friend to do the same and try to find out why you really feel so sad. You see remember the funny talk? You see sad because he did not come to see you in the beautiful wings? You are love silently.

5. A little jealous

If you don't feel happy when he is talking to a girl, proves you're interested him more than a friend. If you try out the float when he tells of a girl to another, i.e. you only want him interest, dating to a single person is you. The unnatural jealousy appears without reason.

6. Enjoy the guy tells the story

If he tell jokes, you'll react like that? You see normal or you're snuggle news jokes? When he said something, you listened to every word of him? Can yourself you are emitting the most honest signals that you like the guy, but accidentally did not realize that. Thus, when the side of him, you pay attention to his reactions and compare that with the reaction when you other friends in the party.

7. He always appears in your story

If you always mentioned his name in most of his conversation, that he's important to you. And if your friends think that you like him, then you must have done something to make them think so. Sometimes when we are finally realizing the true feelings of the self. The number of times you mention his name in a day shows the level of your interest for him.

8. The guy is who you

The moments of the day-dreaming of you could be the tangible sign of your feelings for someone. If you think are walking him, or even given him a kiss, that means he's dominated your thoughts and feelings. Please note whether you think of him as much as during the day, to know his true feelings.

9. You spend more time for her

The limited time you have fun with your friends and like to spend time with him more. You want to be alone to think more about that special person. Even at going out with friends, you also thought about being next to that special person. So you have a crush on landing the guy.=
