3 secrets of the top of the pole make the husband of DAD STAND, enchanted passionate life not separated

Kisses have dozens of kisses

Do whatever you want, never forget the power of the kiss. Always take full advantage of this when you 'love'. Kissing passionately with hot lips. Gentle kiss when gently touching his cheek. A passionate kiss on the forbidden area. And lightly touching his lips behind the back of his neck . Kissing is very much, only with the lips are you creating enough stimulants with your husband.

Use a hot breath to pry for him

Men like you to use your breath to seduce him when walking for him. Breathe slowly on his neck so he knows you're ready for a hot love. Breathe near his chest or even his stomach. The rise of hot air stimulates and helps 'sex' more interesting.

Bath nude

The weather was getting hotter, looking for a perfect place for both of them to escape, bathing and playing naughty without any covering. If not, you can also take advantage of your home bathroom. He will love this dating initiative.
