4 things men accidentally hurt their wives without even knowing

1. Pulling out the old story to grind

Bringing out old things to torment, jealous is an extremely taboo. What is the past then let it sleep instead of digging it up. When you are not happy about your woman, do not bring out the old things to tell your wife. That only brings suffering for both of them.

2. Compare your wife with other people


As an adult husband, never say things like, "Why don't you do this for me like their wives ." or "Don't you look at their wives and take care of their husbands?" For women who are compared to other women by their husbands, they feel extremely tired and low self-esteem, and comparing your wife to another's wife proves that you are not a good husband.

3. Speak a lot, talk long and talk long

Men talk a lot, their enemies are feminine. When a man constantly reminds and criticizes his wife, it only makes the woman feel pressured and depressed. Women will feel that you do not trust them, you always treat them as children to parenting style. The more a man talks, the more he gets bored by the woman, so sit back gently to talk to your wife. That's the smart way men.


4. Forget appreciating her woman

Honoring and appreciating his women is something that men should often do. Because nothing is wrong with praising your wife, when you know how to honor her, then the wife will feel motivated to try.

Women are not afraid to sacrifice because of their husbands for their children. So a husband should never forget to praise his women
