5 signs IDENTITY she has the ability to prevent the best, most clearly is the number 1

She is gifted with 'mouth'

Pay attention to how the girl kisses you, it may reveal some suggestions about her lovemaking style, as it will involve other 'oral activities'.

If she can get you excited just by kissing, you have the right to wait for stimulation in other sensitive areas from her lips and tongue. But don't worry if the first kiss isn't perfect. Sometimes stress will make her tight, and she will show more when she feels comfortable around you.

If she had a gentle kiss, it was not necessarily the shy person in the bedroom. Maybe she was an easy "obedient" today, but she would change her position the next day and become the dominant person in their lovemaking.

The way she takes care of herself

A woman who knows how to take care of herself proves that she loves her body so much and always understands what she really needs and wants. She is willing to tell you what she wants from you, and of course she is always ready to know how to both achieve pleasure in 'that'. She would definitely not neglect 'that' because she always knew that it was extremely important to her health.

She had a sexy step

That shows she is confident. 'Confidence is very charming, and if a girl is confident in many other areas, she is more likely to be confident in the bedroom.' - sexologist Jessica O'Reilly, author of Hot sex tips, Trick and licks, reveal.

You can also help her increase her confidence by praising her comfort and encouraging her to become a passionate, assertive lover.

The way she kissed

Kissing is not just oral contact between two people, it's 'making love by face'. Kiss is not simply the ability to use lips but also the smooth and rhythmic movement of the whole body. If a girl with a deep, strong kiss and mischievous hands constantly toyed with your hair, chest and back, she would hardly be able to disappoint you in bed.

The way she dances

If she is a good dancer, which means good music, knows how to dress, is confident and active, her ability to bed is definitely great. In particular, the ingenuity and rhythm in each dance step will make her more flexible in bed, while the fact that the body's flexible movement is very important to 'that' really becomes perfect. You will feel like performing a passionate dance, great when having a partner like her.
