6 the secret that every man is HAPPY, not even his wife can figure it out

They concealed the times when they were denied

In the past, your man certainly experienced a lot of love and probably also declined by many women. But he will never tell this to you, just talk about his 'achievement'. The male officer made him want to become a "dreadful" person in the eyes of his beloved, not the loser.

Not good at "it"

Not being good at pillow is a pain that men never talk about in conversations with friends. Instead, they often draw unimaginable fantasies about their ability to "get away" with their comrades if they have to talk about this.

Smarter after marriage

Men often complain that their wives become less attractive and less attractive after living together. However, they do not realize that they themselves are like that. The psychology was of each other, belonged to each other, no longer afraid of losing each other, so men forgot to take care of themselves.

Want to love the first love

The first love with the crestfallen, fluttering and foolish, no matter how painful it is, will cause men to endure all their lives. Many men admit that they are willing to exchange their present love, the current family to 'love from the beginning' to the first woman of his life.

Likes eight things no less than women

The sister society is often labeled 'many things', likes to cheat and chat about things in heaven and earth. However, studies have shown that men are more like sex than women. They spend a lot of time talking about secrets, love girls and sex or football together.

Financial mistake

No matter how successful and successful a man is, there are times when men make mistakes in spending, handling finances. And they are afraid that this revelation will cause their wife to be disappointed about themselves, to see them as a fool.

Therefore, men often conceal financial issues, the simplest thing is that they always speak lower than their income with their wives and keep themselves a separate account for convenience and living expenses.
