Beautiful because you told mom: 'Did eat before the wedding, the series continues for luck'

Love each other in 4 years, I never suspected was in the most critical time in my life, I got intense for parents 1 rice cold water Hey face to world.

I 27 years old and my boyfriend is 28 years old. We love each other for four years. Now, we all have had steady work though, not quite real wage.

When my parents had just ended, his mother pout straight blowing: "our not cheap rúng skip new grandparents daughter many wedding ceremonies. Song I thought, have you eat before my wedding, the series continues to be lucky.

I love you, repeatedly put me about home launches family. But parents don't seem to fit me. Through him I learned parents cooking I have a small stature, complexion is not white. They fear my children also like her mother then takes shape, lose the skin. However, before me, the parents also don't oppose. Are they not only warms me each time.

I always loved and very faithful to me. I always thought you just like that is enough. By that, we on a sticking together. In particular, a few months of hurdles, I was pregnant. Although "eat rice before the series continues," but we are all very excited. He also began planning the wedding.

Although the family still cooking, but when you see it, well they are not comments. On the contrary, parents still see beautiful date to wedding ceremony for two. I thought everything was gradually better and parents had accepted me as the grandchildren in the home. I don't know the family you hate and scorn when I trót "eat rice before the series continues" as such.

Yesterday afternoon, parents to my house to discuss, to talk about the wedding. Parents also question my parents about the ceremony. Don't know the calculations before, my parents also honest to say, eating behavior questions according to the customs in the country. Accordingly, my parents please 5 caskets and envelope black desk home son put how much.

When my parents were saying to the procedure of a ceremony usually have in my place, my mother has gotten phắt go and that they are only doing the wedding without the procedure cumbersome asked for expensive food. My mother always said, no wedding day should do something monumental. They asked my parents like that?

My parents because very injured girls should really also want to be with you by friends by all my life, only married once. They say that ignoring the wedding ceremony is also normal. Song when the wedding ceremony is solemn, ceremonial enough to aunts uncles House Party I don't gossip and find the home with the boys respect girls.

When my parents had just ended, his mother pout straight blowing: "our not cheap rúng skip new grandparents daughter many wedding ceremonies. Song I thought, have you eat before my wedding, the series continues to be lucky. Should grandparents consider 2 stars for the most simple is to be ".

From when the parents leave, throughout the evening, my parents were listening to mother-stock choke news phen he says so. If not for injuries you sure they didn't discuss what marriage with house party. Although I eat rice before the real but also where the series continues his promised myself, what chảnh do do for you mother Orange jump up? Or they think I'm not a child of their son?

All night I cry because of warm memories and hurt my parents too. You probably still don't know these things. Should I "run" village said you don't need marriage just needs to register the marriage and living together?=
