Discover your new week (3/3-9/3)

Aries (21/3-1/4)

There are people who want to make a deal with you in this second day but should remember is to truth in resolute decisions involving money. Therefore, there will not be a deal at all until sure this Birch is the thing I want to do.

Spent the day Tuesday and Wednesday, take care of yourself hen (eat, drink, listen to music, read a book, walk), select the operation you want to perform. Near the end of the week, if not out and out of contact with a person you would, tell them. This weekend don't be up too monumental plan but don't make it too tedious. Such as you will still have a fun weekend with a strong save films instead of an entire film cry like we're onto that content can be figured from the start.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Start the new week of Taurus with extremely generous mood, relaxed and even more to spend. Anyway, but you should heed his words, don't be too indifferent to be hớ. Two days later, you accepted the swap plan to make big ones are realistic and feasible. The gentle, subtle enough to attract others.

Thursday until Saturday, so many incidents happened in different aspects, and your task is to balance them real good. To Sunday, you should try to get up real early and walking in the Park, fresh air weekend morning sessions will purge out the heavy dirt in the beginning you, help you enjoy a peaceful day, no concerns nothing sad.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Each person is giving yourself a motivation to work and the best as Gemini should also soon find out for yourself what is that view before conducting a job. Most of you need to rely on the ability to predict his excellence. You don't have much time to listen to every word of the little gripes of others this week.

Especially on Wednesday when you are too busy with the friendship should have no time for other things (or at least you don't want to make time for other things). On Friday, the Gemini will recognize very clearly what you want, just remember, don't be too "ham pit" at the end of this week.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

The source of the Cancer in the first day of the new week very abundantly, so that these ideas arose out of your head is also "big". Even so, in the third and fourth, the energy it started redirecting to in, people start to wonder, don't know what's going on with you.

But in fact, you are preparing for "oven" the very bold plan. Of course, with the idea that without sharing with everyone, then sorry, so you are very eager to tell people around to hear, especially as they feel very lucky when you "choose sides send gold". If it was, let's make a few other items in the weekend goes ha.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

The people you share your kíên in this second day there are quite different views with you, then you will realize that it is a good thing. It helps you stay honest. And it makes you think about things that normally you never thought of.

This week will be a good occasion to live with the motto "let the natural things", especially on Wednesday, maintaining the power and creativity, on Monday.-Friday, trying both of the lion in love and life will be compensated many times over. No matter what happens, this Sunday you will feel a whole new man.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Talks on the first day of the week will help you discover a few things wrong. Connect it with a few questions, and then you will discover many new things worth learning. The middle of the week, when it must make a decision, Virgo will have the opportunity to see the two sides of every issue.

Looking for some advice from people you trust, the remaining days of the week then you should be the person to go to for advice, things that help you feel more comfortable. Last advice is: don't take forever as a trail, sometimes it just makes your job more delayed.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

All what Libra needs to do is speak up and people will support you. You have the ability to communicate in society is very special and should use it to save. The relationship between you and everyone you his very well. It is good to the point that on Wednesday, you can get the emotional support from so many people.

Real results you is a new determination and checking of personalities. Friday was a perfect day to propose the new plan for the group, but last week should take care for the family entirely Portuguese Libra.

Scorpions (October 23-November 21)

Earlier this week, if the Scorpions say to do, focus on doing yourself, and if you really can't do it, then take it to another person known as soon as possible by a small commitment was also very important. About the middle of the week, a few brief talk well enough do you feel pleasure and discovered many things make sense.

Take advantage of his charming smile whenever appropriate, then you will see the results of it's magical. The next few days quite the "three seven four famous ship sinking", but fortunately beautiful Sunday finally came with the Scorpions, plans to do something, get out as much as possible.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

There are people ready completed a plan with you in this Monday but Centaurs found few details unclear. Remember, you must make sure to express what you think and want. On Tuesday and Wednesday, just a little attention you will get out of luck at the right edge. And the truth is all these people you and your colleagues will also see that.

You will be prompted about whether you have an incredible support rearguard and maybe you will run to them please few tips at the end of this week. Centaurs have big dreams and they can help your dreams come true.

Capricorn (December 22-19/1)

The drug should be interested in the job when the new week began, but also don't be too nervous, it should be done looking for his little bit of fun. About Wednesday and Thursday, one thing to remember is that looks can fool other people, is important to the character and his qualities.

If you are the person or see often these warnings, you should change it back, especially on Thursday and Friday, this time at about the same time you will also find the most fun week, enjoy a lot, yes but to Sunday should enjoy the soothing pleasure.

Aquarius (20/1-1/2)

Aquarius keep luỡng forever undecided about the decision in his next move, but the second is you have to make a big step forward. You know a true friend is always ready to help you. Come Monday, you'll think back but who can't or think again after recently made a daring work somehow. Then you will realise the wisdom of his choice on Thursday, and on Friday I will have to come to you and confess that they push the tuợng you like.

This weekend, the planning of Aquarius will to a point focus and more specifically: the end result will not change, but the way to achieve the results that you can.

PISCES (19/2-20/3)

If you think the earlier this week need to plan something in the future, you should do the right thing, don't let your ideas be influenced by someone. Focus on actual ideas, think his plans are effective with someone not yet. To the middle of the week, then connect these ideas to the reality of his own, that is very necessary.

From Friday until last week, few memories returned with Pisces and you want to return how much depends on you (hint here: to answer the question: what would you do in that time?)=
