Divorce because his wife likes to take nude photos flashed up the network

My wife and I have been married for three years and had a son's Grand khỉnh. We know each other from college days, she and I study at the same school.

Have to say she is very beautiful, rich back home should study well how daydreaming guy. Sometimes I think back on it so she chose herself. Once asked the wife I smiled because I said, that's all.

Before proceeding to the marriage, she had to go abroad for 2 years. Then we also thought not know there to be with each other do not. Who is fairly open and also very Western perspective, she also told me that if I didn't wait for her then go find someone else, or if the wait can still have Portuguese (though not my wife). I understand her, so angry, but then again she thought such candor from before then.

2 years apart but our feelings have not changed.

In General, 2 years apart but our feelings have not changed. After the study, we decided to get married. I'm excited and incredibly happy. Although she changed a lot, from eating even concept, lifestyle ... but she still loves me.

But after marriage, she does not decrease relatively skimpy dress, which even increases. I've said a lot, but my wife told me backward, ancient jugs. We were arguing a lot about this issue. But her as ignore. After the birth is complete, or even right at pregnancy dress she's doing I can't comment, how well does it.

Look at the dresses she wore short, medium sized openings, openings on the bottom, then all openings, I extremely angry. Every time she appears, how his eyes look like meal, how well people decry, I'm uncomfortable, she says jealousy unjustly.

Honestly jealous also but to me the key is who is also, though, should not wear "too Western" as such. Go out on the street looking the she wore as not wearing, how I think to bỉu dè persons wife. Sometimes I feel ashamed anymore.

My friends who also says my wife beautiful, compliments the dress and "cool", also those who hinted excuses, I know but maybe that my wife has changed nothing. Gradually, I'm not bored anymore, but says she does not know, and the more horrible dress.

But the climax is a new day to the Agency, he my friend talk and let me see the picture of his wife on the face. New pictures posted in the early morning, I just go to work should also not open face. I am dead silent person, my wife full nude photo shoot, again also posted his personal page.

The United States side, do not bend the side table, on the bed in the nude ... He looked at me concerned friend. I don't know what to say, how the opposite and with friends. Off road look who I also dare not, I like criminals evade people, I feel like everybody's looking at me bỉu dè ...

Bring that feeling back home, and his wife has had a very serious scene, asking her to change, she said, didn't like the stars have to live under the gaze of others, why because society says that not doing her thing like ... In conclusion she don't change.

She said, will not pressed if I want the divorce then she accepted.

We don't tell anyone the sentence would have been more than a week. So she continued to take photos nude and trotted up the face. Friends of my colleagues who praise guys cooking, someone said I am happy to get the number of good fit, talented wife back beautiful, seductive figure ... I just know that silence suppression.

She still is, we fought, the huge, back through the words I say insufferable living like that, she said, will not pressed if I want the divorce then she accepted. I don't know how to do it in such a case, how should I settle?=
