Horoscopes of the 12 Zodiac new week

1. Astrology new week of the bows (Ocean Jiujiang)-Aeris (21/3-20/4)

The good sources of energy continues to support birch, bring purity to the soul as well as the health status of you more stable. However, this does not mean that now has Birch can subjectively that do not follow the instructions of your doctor by your body is still very weak.

Tuesday and Wednesday, don't forget that everything that life brings Birch brings a certain meaning. Thursday and Friday, not what makes Birch more fun is to succeed in the job, but Birch said, everything after a certain level have the setbacks. On weekends, you should invite "people" go visit art galleries, pictures, generally anything towards creativity and art.

2. new week horoscope of Taurus-Taurus (21 April-20 May)

A new week is generally quite bright with Taurus when you finally are able to balance individual freedom and private feelings. However, there will be few or no conversation in the family occurs, causing your mood a little meltdown and upset. In addition, financial problems are also not very flourishes while his relationship with classmates yet to be improved.

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3. new week of horoscope Gemini-Gemini (May 21-June 21)

The combination of the constellation signal a difficult week will come with the Song, mainly revolving around the issues related to family and personal friendship. In addition, the education will also not straight afternoon I like you had thought for some objective reasons. However, the good news is that everything can fix when your mood is stable, or when you find pleasures in life.

On the other hand, the good news in the family came in third, bring joy and enthusiasm, energetic. A few successful results at the end of the day is rewarded for their efforts. In addition, the advice from her parents was essential to solve the difficult situation in a satisfied way on Thursday. To Saturday, Gemini is very excited with the travel plans with friends, but will have a few difficult to call on everyone involved.

4. Astrology new week of the bows Cancer-Cancer (22/6-22/8)

Starting the new week cancer bit smoothly by always being a blurry cloud covered the vision and determination. However don't worry by not understanding the reason that most of the plans you make achieve incredible success. To be able to develop their capacity, please see the Tournament stuck around a way more simple and let your imagination be shining.

Starting from Wednesday and until last week, things will become more clear, and should also Award more than calm Situated. You especially exceptional in building long-term plans and focuses on the details. Should also note the accretion to the personal relationship more time Located.

5. new week horoscope of Leo-Leo (July 23-August 23)

Your finances are being more aggressive air infiltration, signal a tidy income sources are coming. The cash may not appear immediately but all are located behind the plan with a high success rate. When topped out perform any task, Lions also need to note because similar risks in the past will continue to come back.

6. the new week of horoscope Virgo – Virgo (23/8-23/10)

Virgos are signal will meet someone important in the past. This person held a huge role in your life, but suddenly disappeared. By achieving a number of key accomplishments should be easy to understand if you express the pride out. However, be careful with his actions because not everyone is happy for you.

Last week, Virgo be prepared mentally will not surprise changes predicted in advance, such a little friends meetings, usually temporarily became a monumental party, is even more luxurious that, if attention you would realize that the people around you are very happy of course, will not exclude you.

7. new week horoscope of Libra (Libra)-Libra (September 23-October 22)

Be prepared mentally because this week is filled with bad news for the life of Libra. You-from the family to the school will always be the ritual, limited series and trouble puzzling siege. Don't stop there, mood decline stretching will make you tired and more than a few years old. Friends no longer interested to chat with you again while the teacher then almost forget you are members of the class.

Thursday and Friday, time to think about the Libra connect with people around. Compassion is the most beautiful thing that Libra has at this time, it's helping Libra to listen, share and help people around more pleasant. When the weekend came, with the spirit steeped elation, Libra is ready towards the beautiful things of life, love.

8. The horoscope new week of the bows Scorpion-Faun-Cable Tiger-Natural Listing-Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

In the weeks between September, it's not hard to catch image the Scorpions are still all turn shopping for the school year. Despite adequate preparation learning tools since the beginning of summer, you still find something amiss and need to be replenished immediately. Often the Scorpions will visit many people shop for clothes and shoes.

9. new week of horoscope Sagittarius-Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

In the past Codes always haunted by the school. You even in dreams that still something themselves not complete while the truth absolutely backwards. Recently people see you focus attention on personal relationships. This is not bad but going forward they will cause you to lose balance and if not careful, some unwanted trouble happens.

10. new week of horoscope Capricorn-Capricorn (December 23-19/1)

The combination of three large planets around the constellation Capricornus signal more good news to you, mainly revolves around the emotional problems and other personal relationships. When the mood and to live actively, you will easily find inspiration in learning as well as have more courage to face the obstacles of the unpredictable future. Please ignore the failures of the past and greet a bright tomorrow!

The days between the week will open up many opportunities for The Ma be, meet new people, so have fun all the same people. Also, everything's going extremely smoothly on Friday, you will feel secure to enjoy fun with his family on weekends.

11. the new week horoscope of Aquarius-Aquarius (20/1-18/2)

On the first day of the week, Aquarius will see themselves have little positive change and are closer to the people you desire. Your intuition is not necessarily wrong, but it's still far from what is present in reality. Everyone in the class learned from friends to instructors are careful to observe and evaluate you.

12. the new week of horoscope Pisces-Pisces (19/2-20/3)

Venus is moving to near Pisces, brings a new philosophical horizons for those who are born under the constellation. You will gradually see the life by other eye and after a certain period of time, the insight for your universe will be raised significantly. Perhaps because of this big change that you will know see also as to resolve personal problems than integrity.=
