Life long wide girl how many?

After this you know you wrong. So it was great when I was born is a girl, can arbitrarily weak with themselves without disgrace and learned how to make yourself stronger. Forever man never knows, behind a daughter which of course contains what, it's a great mystery .

Eternal daughter whether how much justice requires the permanent can't be fair, it's not because of the era or society is still backward, which Italy Sun seems to want to. We born already default to the injustices that sometimes we accept and feel fullness with that.

A girl's life ...

The daughter, knowing that his life and for the youth is extremely short, but once fell in love with a man who is steep in love regardless of the tears do five months showing up tittle effectors. Born as the daughter had been suffering, injury and tied his life with a guy no longer suffering on both the suffering ...

Because the life of the daughter, not how much long, should customize the views of different people that live every person is anti-up living as a tense man, does not say much about the fulcrum that himself stand amid the hustle, people live a life of sacrifice Department security in whole, half remaining in charge never uttered never but the final rules, the daughter who are both shed more than anyone that, weak software is exactly what dẵng long for his life, for the sneaky software behind others. The life people like I've lost a lot of time in the dark pain targeted grazing without even looking labia with one sentence. Know that this short, extremely short, but the lesions are private people who kept her daughter a life too long. By the daughter, so obvious is weak but not enough courage received for fear of being despised, feared the news life forever on foot storage and lifelong factions themselves are weak faction ...

Thanh Xuan's "long" as a gang hand should not go over how much time the daughter. I always believe you have to powerful, because no one besides the weak to do?

Mean girls, we should just let this short may be weak with the people who really deserve and trust, do not arbitrarily based on ai and toss off effeminate outside for them to see his cause lost charm, youthful short again forecast for that Division rose cheeks dank ...=
