Men revealed four reasons why they were HARD to their wives and women read them out

Fatigue stress

Whether anyone, man or woman, we are hard to avoid stresses, fatigue in life. Malfunctioning, difficult careers and hundreds of other worries make men almost unaware of the situation.

They are busy dealing with problems, busy saving the situation and plugging in the computer input to work. So, the wife should be delicate enough to realize that her husband is having a hard time. The words of sharing and encouragement will help him improve a lot.


Lack of sleep is one of the biggest 'enemies' of sex. This can happen because of the habit of working irregularly, extremely tired, insomnia . Sleeping too little makes you tired and no longer desire for love stories.

The wife is sloppy

A man never had sexual inspiration with a woman who was always in a messy, sloppy form. Therefore, women should take care and beautify themselves, do not let themselves become no longer charming with their husbands over the years.

Wife does not coordinate

What is great when the husband and wife are close is that the wife lies still like a log, even if the husband wants to do whatever he wants to do. This action clearly shows that you are not interested, nor do you want to enjoy the moments together.

Take advantage of your body language, eyes that want to be swallowed, lips inviting, hands gliding over your skin will make you immensely excited. Only when women learn how to coordinate, lead or embrace a man's crazy passion, does the couple smoke for the rest of their lives, passionately not leaving.
