Mother gave birth to the land, her mother-in-law said: 'Let the husband have a new name and fortune', the daughter-in-law replied: 'I'm not stupid, Mom.'

The wedding day of Lien and Binh made everyone shocked when the bride's house announced that she would give her daughter 100m2 of land as a dowry. I thought that Lien's family was difficult, there was no part for her but her parents loved her so much. Having been given a piece of land by his mother-in-law, Binh is very happy, thanks to his parents who swear and swear to them that he will take good care of their daughter. Yet, after the wedding night, my mother-in-law called Lien to whisper.

- Honey, I left my husband to stand in the name of the land of the grandmother, so that I could have fortune. From the past until now, in the name of a house and land, husband and wife must be happy and peaceful. The women only take care of the housework and take care of the children.

- How do you know my parents haven't transferred the land yet?


- Well, my mother asked her to join in the wedding already, she told her husband and children they want any name. Mother advised me strongly, I am assured that Binh's name will make it easier to stay at home.

- Mom, there's something I have to tell you. That land is given by my parents, it's dowry, my body room, so it will be in my name, not someone else's name. If you are angry, I will not accept it, but that land is for me. Haven't you already feared your son won't be part?

- Oh, this girl, how dare you lie to her mother-in-law like that? Married couple, capital of each other together. The money of the wife is from the husband, so you distinguish the husband's wife? I just came back to be a bride but this and that.

- Yes, I'm sorry mom. But I can't trust my son, if one day he had an affair and divorced me and left with nothing, it would be really bad for my son. In this era, the money of the husband is the same, the money of the wife is of the wife. My wife is more or less, I have to pay for my own room at this time and I don't blindly believe in the word 'faithfulness', Mom. I'm angry, I will only accept it. I am a girl, tomorrow I have another child, so I have to worry about the future of my mother and I.

- Aw, that's all my family's. At the wedding, the call of dowry, but what does my son get?


- Mom, mom is important or not. That land, my husband and I will build a house and live there, but we have a real loss for my son. My son is a good husband and he has all the mother. Only when the mother is not good and promiscuous will she be afraid of asset division.

- It depends on you!

No longer argued with her daughter-in-law anymore, her mother-in-law had to give in but she was extremely indignant. For her, anything of a wife will belong to the husband's ownership. But with Lien is different, with a clear money. She could not put all her wealth, her parents in her husband's hands.

He may be good now, but who knows what the future will be? Women, especially getting married, have to have some personal property so that when they have to leave, they can still live well and take care of themselves and their children. Do not let her husband's house, her husband despise!
