People who wear red are usually happy, wealthy

The color red is not only beauty, but also bring more irresistible hard luck to the wearer. In Feng Shui, red is the color of power to wish success, prosperity and abundance.

According to the traditional concept in Asian countries, red is still associated with wealth and power. The gods often draw a red face and a God with the red shirt will be the God of wealth, affluent. Red gems were also considered holding the rights of conquest, strength and success. Pomegranate pink jade and rubies have long been thought to protect against harmful gas.

In Feng Shui, red is the color of power to wish success, prosperity and abundance. But it is also a color to protect from harmful things. In business, a lot of restaurants, companies, ... use the red colour do mainstream.

Lucky red.

From time immemorial until now, very little color have power and influence as the red. It has the ability to impact both the wearer and the look. Red Rose for the wearer confidence and strength. In Asia, the red color has multiple meanings but mostly symbolize happiness and luck. The bride in a traditional wedding ceremony is always dressed in red to expect the best for your upcoming marriage . In the West, the women dressed in red back eager to showcase the charm of its people dead.

So where is the reason why domestic and foreign famous Favorites back to red?

-Red is the color of good luck.

In Feng Shui, red is the color symbolizes happiness and success. Use the color red often help life is always full of positive energy and mobility. Red trigger quick, potent energy sources suitable for the showbiz world is always exciting.Therefore, Feng Shui experts or advice people are expecting good luck should use the textured red jewels. In the House, the furniture and dishes or decorating should be red or texture is forcing a Red Ribbon in the bedroom. In addition, to further increase the positive energy should hang a strip of Red wire with coins hanging on handbags, luggage, drawers, desk ...

Red happiness.

-Color red plays a major role in fashion.

For women, red is a color most subtly breeze outdoor charm. For men, red back a Norwegian in spirit. According to the study, red, associated with deep instincts in humans is related to the same race. Thus, men always prefer to look at the pink cheeks, red lips women because their brain is stimulated. In the subconscious, so women will easily bear children lay.

-Red is the color of the power.

When you want to highlight, please wear red. This is the perfect color for girls who want to be unique. It is the color of the confident and assertive. Wear this color when you are ready to become the focal point of the crowd-though as fans or your boss.

-Red protection money.

Red handbags and purses are appropriate for women to protect their income and wealth. This is especially true in the year 2015, when people have to be careful about finances from loss of money (MOC) do not fit in the old Smell (Turks). Carry a red purse will help increase the positive energy to the accumulation of wealth and income. Perhaps better still is that you can find a red purse inside a handbag!

Red fashion

-Red vitality.

Women often show the vitality of his spill stretch with red. In the old years, stars hung affecting health, finance. So, wear red this year could provide more energy to fight disease and fatigue. Wears a red bracelet helps balance the mind because the Western stock is the body representing the consciousness.

-Red form of happiness

The woman wears a red ring on the right hand will get many forge relationships than those to bare hands. Wearing a red ring will help more glamorous women in the eyes of the other half. High heels also is said to stimulate the other half over the other colors. In particular, nothing could more stimulus in the night with a set of Red lingerie sexy hard that fragile.

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