Poison: Want your husband to have a wife in bed in this way, making sure he loves you all

Don't let the rule overwhelm the climax

Surely there will be some points that people never dare to try for fear of danger. But if you have all the support tools or everyone has a preliminary study, don't be afraid to try to find a new feeling. The boring old age in the pillow will come very quickly if both do not actively find new ways.

Kisses have dozens of kisses

Do whatever you want, never forget the power of the kiss. Always take full advantage of this when you 'love'. Kissing passionately with hot lips. Gentle kiss when gently touching his cheek. A passionate kiss on the forbidden area. And lightly touching his lips behind the back of his neck . Kissing is very much, only with the lips are you creating enough stimulants with your husband.

Always cherish the body

People think their breasts are so small that they don't lose to her. My butt is not as big as a company girl. It doesn't have to be that way, if he already loves you, he won't really care. Don't let those thoughts kill you, but find an interesting point from the cons. Therefore, cherish and love yourself, it is a way for your husband to be comfortable with the points that I think are very boring.

More active and intense

Not only men, women should also be active in love a bit. Because of that, men feel much more excited. Meekness, shyness in the old-fashioned way of thinking of women in the defense is not a must in today's modern day. If you are always passive, your husband will be very bored.

Instead of that, make your "variations" more diverse, when you are shy, shy, vibrant and intense. Just kiss him passionately, proactively surf his fingers on his sensitive area or show through his breathing . and you'll see that with this way of making love, he has 'addicted' to him how.

Use your fingers with a caressing gesture

Divine fingers are sometimes extremely useful weapons in every love you girls. Your "foreplay" will be indispensable to the caresses beside the burning kiss.

During the kiss, gently place your finger on the nape of the neck or stroke his hair. You can also caress his thighs, the place near "little boy" - make sure your stimulation will make it harder for secondptim!
