Resiliency of pregnant girls with sensational master thought of

"Hi guys, I am a K50. Today I'm brave enough to share the story of his life. Looking forward to the girlfriend, who is the wrong way could once look back that right decision. "

I was once a kid, good games, are loved by teachers, peers and parents, then downright spoil. I lovingly, dynamic, always cheerful, optimistic. From baby to big I get wrapped should thoroughly know to what is strenuous. Perhaps because of the life that's the roof cooler paddle sweep too I keep illusions for ourselves is good domains.

Wind waves refer to the tenacity and challenges her mismanagement of the Bowl when I start up the 9th grade. The family met a large incident, her parents and siblings are forced into Saigon, I live alone in the House with her for a time and then move on to the next.

Life also has nothing to say if I don't meet that person. Then he was a young teacher moved about my school work, charge right in class I.

I was the class leader should frequently Exchange with master about many things. I you master, considered the master as his big brother. The master also love me, always caring for me little by little.

Maybe the loneliness, lack of affection for my family has made the master software please? Also with me, overwhelmed the understanding, deep bass along the seasoned experience in your life. I quickly thought it was love.

On the back, then down to my house with me master time (I was the only member of the team good students of the master), then what's to the right also to. I understand that it means anything, I've become a woman at the age of 16.

From that day onwards, I love master with premature heart and think of a pair of NGO kids. Thought just a few years later, we will be able to be together in a dignified way.

I do not deny is that time, I was spoiled to like. By my grandparents in a way that almost 2, I looked, so almost any evening teacher also through and say like to accompany me to school, but the fact is nothing then perhaps everyone's guess.

I like guys who are blind just count myself master, just listen to only one teacher, met all the requirements of the master, that is, they must love it.

All just really collapsed when I was pregnant. 16 years, motherhood in the age of 16? I've never thought of. I talked to the teacher, eager to find out how to solve that, but respond to the desire of me, my drain considered that child has nothing to master.

Master analysis for me, the best is I should quietly dropped the baby off, don't be foolish which initially do all beng. I understand what the teacher said, I know the teacher is right. In this country who believe a teacher the way Huang, venture leaders can do for a girl (ever) a good man elected?

One can accept a daughter like me? I have the master? Yes, but I blame myself a lot more. I am too immature and stupid stupid, so now the cost is too expensive for the poor.

After talking with master, I just smile and never intend to search a physician again. Man I think I'm in love in love with all your heart, foolish, obtuse, his grief is now depressed and disappointed in me.

The guts, I tell my parents everything. Almost immediately, my parents flew out of the North.

Contrary to the thoughts of me, see me, my parents just crying. Right when looking at the tears are rolling on the austere face of mom and dad, I'm surprised to realize I was real curious how.

Very fast then, I move on to Saigon. I went in quietly, say goodbye to all those dear friends, nor had the opportunity to see the teacher once again.

The time pregnant Ho (my son's name) is my most miserable period. Grade 11 which have to go to school with belly cross the face, not to say make people well guess I was somewhat humiliating Athenian. It's good when the school I study agreeing to accept me, the friends nor ransacked many of which close very proper.

In this exuberant city ones, perhaps they also not too concerned about a pregnant girl in the age of young shoots. My family always advise should I rest for a year, waiting for the birth ... done. But I am afraid that when I left school, I will collapse. I fear the time idle because of her memories about teacher, about his time away he just shows up and eat my torment.

I hurt my child, I hurt my family, so I will have to try over. I work hard in school in school, exercise regularly, go home again to learn English, listen to music and try not to let yourself fall into the State of depression.

At that time, without the love of her parents and siblings, perhaps I was not able to overcome. By the end of grade 11, I born sohan. Experience extreme anguish, I find your life cherish, cherish family and this life more.

Fortunately, sohan grew up without a father's love but also very docile and khỉnh's Grand. Lovely children and a grandmother wrap. My family nothing ever mentioned about that time again, also never asked me about the teacher, about the father of Ho.

Fears that strenuous when doing a single mother not everyone can understand, especially when I do my mother in the years too young.

But I know its not allowed soft, his family, his side are tough up to take care of her. That time, I break to stay home to care for the children a bit more sturdy.

But his life is not yet subject to stop there, in one afternoon, my parents went to work on and a traffic accident. They died suddenly. At that time, I was studying last year 12 and sohan was almost 2 years old.

Unable to express the extreme pain of my brothers and sisters when the losing unexpectedly 2 he most loved. With me and my children, it's like falling down chasms without way up.

I did too many parents, not to gauge offset was one day that her parents were in a hurry to leave. Now when are sitting here and writing these lines, I still cry. But no longer is the tears of the poor that day, I just want to show that I have overcome that pain and how to live, so parents can still pleased.

Most of the 12 grade, I alone bring out the North, despite the liêt of his ruling barring testimony. But I am determined to make my desires in life, which is I can do be on KTQD University. Just take thereview, that is, just about the time the hardest extreme for a daughter which was never subjected to physical suffering like me.

I sent you a private kindergarten, am going to teach more, am going to run the table, dark home again vùa take I've just struggled. Then I also parked, parked on the high school sector amend. On his University Park information, I hugged my children crying throughout the night. The life of the mother, I will now continue.

Motel room poor, needy enough. So that makes the sky I still grew up khỉnh's Grand and healthy. Lovely baby, listen and live very emotional. What I said to you, the brand for several years adopted siblings until I finished school, but the boy wrapped his mother, cannot be far away I was 1 week.

So I'm just going to school, just go do it, just take the child. Many at poverty to the extent that I can only eat white rice through September, spent money to buy milk for children. The deprivation, have never known a beautiful clothes, never was I put away the game. So I did not insist. Maybe I also injured mother struggled and understand his plight should love me. Many nights is hugged, the children sometimes ask, "don't you mean?", to which I ứa tears.

I also yearn for a life full of enough, a complete family, but perhaps not at this time. I hurt for my children to grow up under the roof, accommodation poor cramped, busy with the parents, with deprivation enough sugar. As the brand, the more frantic I plunge head into school and go to work.

English is also quite so I would like to make a travel company, touring around Hanoi, receive gratuity from foreign tourists. Salary and the help of siblings also enough mother goddesses I WarBirds go out 4 years long. 4 of that year, what work I tried, there is only 2.3 hours of sleep last night. From tutors, washing, running the table, PG, to sales, kitchen accessories, nothing I have ever done.

And in a go tutor, I met my sister. She is the mother of the students I teach and also a single mother. Knowing my plight, she hurt so much. She helped me so much that now I still haven't paid for her supposed star ceases to be.

She treated me like a sister, for me to do in the company of his sister, was accidentally match trades I am learning. So is the new year Tuesday, I had the work with sufficient wages raising children without thanks to you again.

Now, when school was out for two years, thanks to the efforts of myself and with the help of my sister, I was head of the Department, there was enough money to feed the children, hired for a better House, buy better milk boxes.

Because of work requirements, I also focused on more than appearance. And at least have also become a major dynamic parts, young, and beautiful as people comment.

When life is gradually stabilizing as I again. The teacher appears before my eyes by accident when I brought my nephew to employment. We met each other, quickly recognize each other, and then also quickly regain looks serenely to opposite each other.

Hatred in my heart soon stopped. I just looked at the teacher as a person you've met not too long ago, not little curiosity about the life of the master, is also no longer any emotion. And then, I know that, I had enough courage to lie back behind that life. "=
