Scroll to 'say' always a guy you

Men sometimes are very vulnerable to conquest. They need only be women understand, respect and sincere feelings, then will pray protect for her whole life. Therefore, in order to hold the man's heart, you shouldn't ignore the following.

1. Give him private space

Though love, men always love their own space. The man don't love or started running away when the woman realizes that she is asking too much of his private space. Man likes freedom and it is important that you understand he needs freedom. A man felt his freedom, will always love you and give you back your freedom. Don't force him to do what you want, men don't like that.

2. Smell the seductive perfume

This may seem silly or superficial but the women will become extremely impressed when the smell the perfume seductive and occasionally on his body thoang.

Of course, you do not ever too abusive use of perfumes that should just choose a simple perfume, scented gently and apply only a little. When to go next to the guy, the guy who will smell a familiar smell. This not only creates the feeling of comfort, it also makes the guy see you really seductive, sensual and romantic.

3. Don't hesitate to express the closeness

There are times when only a mild touch may delete any bad feelings tan, help you heal after a fiery debate. So, whenever I get a chance, you take her hands and for him a warm hug. A kiss can heal more pain than you can imagine, especially when the guy is silent, sulking.

4. Do not try to change the guy

If you hate the shoes of the guy or hate eating wear, hairstyles are for the guy, you don't try to catch the guy pressed to change. By the fact, you cannot change your liking or habit of a person if he does not want to.

The comments, words gently will actually have much more effective. The guy might absorb right away to just your eyes.

5. Sociable guy's friends

With men, when you really love, they'd be introducing you to his friends. Thus, the closer the sausage guy to this relationship, you always be close friends with the guy. Guy will really love and appreciate you more than when you sincerely and with friends of the guy.

6. Really attempt to understand him

This is quite important in most relationships and is particularly important in the case of grown man feel misunderstood or lack of confidence about other people's attitudes towards them. Let him see that you really desire can comprehend him. You share the fears, dreams and memories of him. Man always love passionately that people can understand their thoughts.

7. Ask and concerns about family guy

When did love the guy, you ask about members of family guy, the guy will be extremely happy and feeling like being walked on the moon.

By know you should really care about the guy's family, the guy will find you not only interest but also a guy who is very interested in the people that loved a guy.

8. For him to see you as independent girl

You are not drunk in public and never appears as a teenage girl trying to get attention. Let you great independent personality you have. Or you can still have fun but always know responsible. By not having a guy would want to stick with a women that knows she doesn't know how to manage his own salary.

9. be frank

Many women push men cornered with the hope he would understand. However, this only complicates matters further chemistry. If you want the guy always loves you, make a difference, be frank. Men love the frank and don't like meandering. most guy friends very frankly with each other. So let's bluntly told him that instead of forcing him to understand what you're thinking.

10. Allow the masculine guy

Don't ever proved too strong without dramatic guy. When conditions allow, you give a guy the opportunity to show his masculinity, or mausoleum station carrying the cover of guy with you.

Similarly, do not forget to express gratitude or thanks guy when the guy has enthusiastically help you something

11. Know how to enjoy life

A she always appears with the mood of sadness and boredom would not attract the attention of a boy. Therefore, please always is a big girl, open minded and know how to enjoy life the way, Guy will pay attention to you immediately.

12. Praise him gifts

Men have very large egos. What do they see more amazing is a compliment of the woman they love. However, to gain the trust and respect of the guy, you have to take out the real sincere praise. Even when you find that praised him praise that he deserves to be received, repeat it. It is a way to remind you that you still always love him.

13. Know the support and help the guy at the right time

Although the men are men and never want to be dramatic, but there was also the guy at weak and in need of encouragement and help from you in some time as something sad, trouble at work ...

When you see the guy is difficult or when bad mood, you take the side and help the guy.

14. Don't make the guy to wait upon beauty, shopping

Many women always want the shuttle guy every time they go shopping or beauty to her friends to feel jealous. But really, this in turn led to impatient guy must spend their time to wait you.

So, don't ever do this with his men. In the shops or beauty, you go along with his girlfriend who is better, and never depend on the guy.

15. Be yourself

Whatever you love, you should just be yourself. Do not ever try to be like some of the stars you see on television or any one else. Be yourself and respect yourself.=
