Seeing her husband and husband come to the inn, his wife said, 'This is my husband, you sleep with him, you have to pay.'

Day Van decided to get married with Phong, who all protested, especially Van's best friend.

- You are going to get it. He's a famous flower moon. If you don't know it, you should avoid it. Why are you so stupid?

- Time makes people change and you, I think he's different now than before. Everyone has a good time.

- I heard that before he met and fell in love with him, he also had a meal after being canceled by people. It is not natural for the girl's family to do so.

- Well, I heard him tell me. All is misunderstanding you. He is not such a person. So I love him very much.


People then wondered what kind of charm Van was using by Phong, but he was determined to protect his boyfriend and determined to get Phong even though he had many bad notions. Everyone loves Van as a gentle girl.

But then after they married each other in turn to be able to marry each other by their two good boys and told each other to do business, everyone must immediately change the way of thinking about Feng. Instead of a man playing by the time Phong worked hard with his wife raising two children.

The director himself also praised Phong for his hard work and hard work. At noon everyone rests but Phong still keeps working drunk. Van also sells goods to help her husband to find economics, although it is hard but the couple is happy.

But then bad things started to appear when they spent 4 years of marriage. That day, I went home to work and pick up 2 children and came back to the end of the lane when Van was startled when my neighbor called me back:

- Hey . Come in, I told you .

- Yes . what's wrong?

- I saw your husband in the afternoon with a beautiful young girl coming home, this girl is very strange. If I cover my face, I don't know, I'm going to run to your house and remember that the fish pot is smelling so I can't go anymore.

- Oh, I'm sure you're wrong. My husband is going to go back to work.

- Yes, I'm wrong. But looking at the figure is very .

Van did not think that day either, but a week later, she sold fruit and called:

- I swear to see that Phong's house is in the house for lunch at noon. You watch what it goes into. Perhaps your husband went to the motel to meet his partner? But lately I see my husband is dressed too much.

- So, sister. So let me pay attention.

That night, Van tried to insinuate, Phong jumped up:

- You vomited from morning to night, there was no time when you were suspicious. Wife watching, he did not try to do it, he took the money and bought things in this house. I cannot earn enough to support my children alone.

- I know, don't think anything. Probably because I'm suspicious.

Do not want husband and wife to quarrel so Van does not have any more. But the next day, Van decided to watch her husband see what her husband did. Then she was stunned when she saw her husband leave the company that afternoon and went out to the waiting car.

The car stopped at the motel, Phong hand in hand with the other woman came down, they entered the lodge. Van immediately set up the car, she rushed in front of two people. Van paid no attention to her husband's innocent face and looked straight at the woman. She held out her hand:


- He's my husband. She slept with my husband and had to pay him to take care of him.

- Me.

The trembling woman withdrew 5 million and gave it to Van. Van held the money and then drove away. She took the money and bought all the clothes and food for her children. Phong came home to see the children wearing new clothes and sitting eating fried chicken thighs. Van spoke:

- You try to eat all. He struggled all night to earn money to take care of his children. Not published.

- I beg you . I know the error, I swear I will never .

- I give you the only chance, I see it again, there's never a day when you will return.

- He thanked his wife, he vowed not to commit adultery anymore.

Although forgiving her husband, Van's heart ached so she did not want her children to lose her father. Real animals have a few women can do like Van.
