'Sorry for every love you I just think people love...'

Each time my wife love don't stop thinking of sex. Though feel guilty but if not do that I will no longer emotionally when doing "it" with his wife.

I am 39 year old is married and has two children. My wife is my college-era friends, but after school we love new. After you learn love for three years, then we proceed to marriage. My wife is also my Office staff was the architect. My work is quite busy and sometimes have to go many places but I still make time for the family.

I just think about her ...

Everything pretty fine until one day I met you-girl has black hair and sad eyes. I am fascinated by beauty but noble path is the place. I actively acquainted when children sits in common Cafe. Then, we talked a lot with each other through social networking and then at each other. I gentle but also very charming. Although I have known my wife but I still accept all given to me. I love feeling her madness, I'm always thinking about you, about the time we spent together.

From there, I very rarely tamper to my wife, though his wife has close, I desire to have no emotion and did not do "it" again. The day I went, I told I make love my wife and forgot about me. I was crying, I cried because a woman, step back-heel step but I know tears children also are falling.

I returned with my real life in the figure but keep showing up in the beginning. I know its not always selfish with my wife. I care my wife than her height, but I know these actions no longer comes from love anymore, but from gratitude.

Me and my wife also or closer but each time making out with my wife I have to imagine the small tìnhbé can do. I aim for crushing the eyes and in the beginning only the picture of me and her. I know I have an error with my wife because his wife thought that party to another person but only when thinking of my new lover can do his wife and makes her more fun.

I do not know will have to live in this guilt feeling to ever again. Maybe I need a quiet to regain calm after what has happened and look see myself wanting anything.=
