Suffering when getting married before the 30th birthday

A few years ago, I was free to fly, two words 'girl' never made me fear or zeal. However, until now, I was close to the age of 30, I still had the only thing that my parents, family and friends urged me to marry.

At this age, friends all have children, even 2, 3 children are normal. Even my best friend doesn't have free time to go out for coffee, travel. Therefore, if I want to go anywhere, I will be alone.

In a few months, I reached the age of 30. I deliberately evaded my parents without mentioning my husband and child. But suddenly, one day I came home from work and found my parents sitting sternly in the living room.


As I sat down in my chair, my mother raised her voice:

-Sister, you see how old you are this year.


-Come 30 to the place.

-Yes. I know.

-You know, but that's the same? Are you going to let the whole village laugh at your parents' faces for raising bombs that are slow in the house? Are you planning to get married? Answer yes or no.

I peeked:

-You . I . have . but not yet.

My mother stopped immediately:

-Then, if you get it, get it right now, I have a relationship, I recommend meeting to marry before 30 years old.

-Mother . Dad .

Annoying me. He shook his head:

-My mother told the fortune teller if he did not marry before 30, then he could get married before 40.

My mother suddenly cried to compensate. Part of being a child, having come to this country, how do I argue back to my parents. For the first time, I decided to go see the face.

The object my mother introduced was a construction engineer, his appearance was very good, and he spoke skillfully. Indeed, I was also impressed by the look, but getting married is not ready.

However, my mother decided to force me to marry before my 30th birthday. Threatening to live, threatening to die, I had to nod my head in the end, then closed my eyes and closed my legs, where my acquaintance was safe. '

I thought so. But it is true that any husband's house is the same, there is no safe husband's house. I learned from my friends, but I didn't know that I was still involved.

My husband only loved the afternoon, took care of his wife for the first few months, then he went all the way to this project, leaving me alone at home with my parents-in-law.

So, my mother-in-law is not a medium, she lives very fake. Outside, her mother-in-law always shows her love for her daughter-in-law and often speaks softly and makes people misunderstand. But in fact, I do what she leads, saying that the old girl who has been picked up by her child is a fate, but still does not know what.

Even my dowry golden trees were completely occupied. At first, she said that holding the house, I did not hesitate to take it immediately so I could not get it back.

The day I got pregnant, my husband was still working far away, my mother-in-law at home did not help my daughter-in-law, and even forced me to serve upside down.

Once I was so tired that my mother went to the market, she said:

-Make it like you know how to get pregnant, touch it and complain. Weakness, don't get married again.

I was frustrated but did not dare to tell my mother because she was afraid of letting go.

When the pregnancy in my abdomen arrived at the 6th month, I went to stand heavy but my mother-in-law kept cleaning, cleaning the house, washing clothes by hand. She said working hard will give birth ?!


But all that misery I can ignore. There was only one thing, when I was about to pass the day, I suddenly found husband and wife.

I cried like crazy to call him back when he replied nonchalantly:

-Bearing to the place and then go to the place, show what jealousy.

By this time, I could not bear to go home and give birth when my baby was only half a month away from the birth.

All that, I told all my mother, who thought she would take care of me, who expected my mother to hold her daughter's hand:

-My bride's home, then live and die must be at home, not one thing is to run to the house, people laugh.

I was dumbfounded, not knowing how to do it now, coming to the birth, but I cried my tears every night. I want to die.
