The doctor said 'The fetal heart is very weak, only saving the mother or child, who do you choose?' and the husband's answer

Tuan is a husband who loves and spoils his wife. The day after he got married, he loved and pampered his wife so much that they envied each time he went to work, he told his mother to look after his wife at home to take care of his wife.

However, Russia was so gentle and skillful that she was very popular with her parents-in-law, never had her husband and mother shouted at him, even more than a year later, for the lipstick couple to live together comfortably. Tuan's parents also took the initiative to return home and let their children live separately.


However, it's also because grandparents want to have their grandchild soon. Only that, after a few years, Russia still had no good news, so the whole family was very worried. out for fear of thinking wife, sad wife.

Once, he and she went to the doctor, the doctor said her uterus was a bit thin so it was difficult to conceive. Therefore, the couple became more desperate and sad. From there, the couple lived without children but at least remained calm. Everyday, he still came back early to help his wife with water, and came to the gym together at night.

Sometimes Russia was grateful to her husband because he was such a great person to her, but then, when Tuan was promoted to the position of head of the department, now he was more busy, he often went all night through the morning. not on.

At this time, Russia sat alone on the tray of cold rice waiting for her husband. Their affection also gradually went down, the problem of trying to have a baby became extremely difficult when Tuan changed and gradually became cold to his wife.However, unexpectedly, after a while, she suddenly had a stomachache. The doctor told me to be pregnant.

Upon receiving the news, both her husband and wife were overjoyed and thought that thanks to this god-given child, their love would be restored as ever.

Russia takes care and cherishes the baby every time, with her sister is everything. Every day she spends time learning about being a mother. He also cares more about his wife.However, because his wife is pregnant, he often comes to her to meet the needs.

The baby in Russia grew one day, but her physical condition was not good so the last few months she had to lie still in bed and inject drugs.

The day she became pregnant, she rushed to the hospital. After 3 hours of coughing in the delivery room, the doctor came out and said:

- Your wife is very weak, difficult birth now we only saved 1 in 2 people only. He thought carefully about who to choose and then signed this form.

He weakly collapsed to the floor:

- Why is there such a problem? Doctor, it's been 7 years since we had this child, please see the doctor or try to save her mother and daughter. I will pay as much as I can.

The doctor shook his head:

- The problem is not money, we tried our best, he decided to hurry up not much time left.

At that moment, she called him:

- Bro, I'm pregnant .

Hearing that news now, he couldn't be happier, he became even more panicked. But looking at his poor wife in the emergency room with a painful look, he suddenly said:


- So . Doctor, please save my wife. Save her.

When he finished the application, he cried like a child and didn't think the most painful day he expected, and he fainted. When he awoke to find his wife had opened her eyes and the child was being rescued, the doctors said 'the boy could still move, could still save'.

Fortunately, after 2 hours of emergency, the baby was taken to the recovery room and the situation was extremely positive. Both husband and wife were happy to cry, but he had his own worries about his pregnant wife. Perhaps he should make it clear to her that he would choose his family. Because now he realizes that no one can replace his family.
