The happy marriage that the husband is still out of the copper-fat cat is for this reason

1. Women make their husbands have no chance to be protected

A lot of wives think that getting married is not necessary to nag or ask for anything else and anything that they do by themselves. It doesn't make you more loving by your husband, but it makes him go farther away from you.

The reason is that men have always been considered the pillars of the family, they always want to care and protect their wives. But many wives look down on it, sometimes doing everything and shouting at their husbands: You are really useless.


So men feel they are not respected by their wives, so they look for other women. The wives should remember how young girls know how to spoil men. Even though they did everything but pretended not to let men do it, men like it when they are strong supporters. Girls instead of nagging, complaining to their husbands, they know how to flatter the man to the green clouds, so the men are tired of their wives and crave girls.

The psychology of women is that they only think of marriage as a happy time, and in the later period, they don't care anymore. Even so they always want their husbands to love themselves, to care for themselves. But while they themselves forget that their husbands need to be respected. Women are always complaining instead of cheering, encouraging their husbands .

Men of adultery are driven by circumstances, women do not rush to blame themselves when they make their husbands look for another woman outside.

2. The story of "close" to the couple

There have been many couples who have broken their marriages just because of 'pillow'. At the time of marriage, the couple was happy, but when the child was born, the women were too busy to take care of their children and then they no longer enjoyed it. Many wives at the time of lovemaking with their husbands are not enthusiastic to just finish the matter. And men, they feel bored looking at the scene of their wives but are forced like that.


Even many wives are still blunt with their husbands: I quickly go to work and go to pick them up. How much is the thing that he only cares about the afternoon bed. A man like you is late in adultery.

See, saying such a sentence does not have a husband who is not bored. Then, when the husband's affair was complaining, the husband was bad, his wife and children were full, but they were also girls. The story of a pillow with a sublimation pillow can keep the marriage fire, and the wife keeps doing it like she was pressed by her husband, and the husband went on an affair. In addition, being a husband and wife is not the same thing as a person who does not live in a house.

Therefore, these are two reasons why a man has a beautiful wife but still wants to go on an affair.
