The queen's defense of the queen is not a virgin who still makes the NIGHT king just a little pink water

The medicine makes the king weak

She used a few fragrant rose water, the pink color gently spread on the pillow when near the king. As for the king, who was passionate about sexual lust, he found that Phi Yen, despite her low background, had a high self-respect, not a bit of dust. For this reason, he became even more passionate about her.

According to history books, Trieu Phi Yen looks fragile and beautiful with a light body like a bird's nest and a dancing song. She quickly occupied the heart of Han Dynasty and climbed to the top of honor and power with the position of queen. Not only creating fame for her, Phi Yen also helped her brother Trieu Hop Duc to receive the favor of the king, holding the position of the position of honor and honor equally.

But not coincidentally, the Zhao Fei Yen sisters gained such great authority, even becoming haremers of the Han Dynasty in a historical period. According to the transcribed document, to keep Han Cheng's emperor every night, both Phi Yen and Hop Duc secretly asked Taoist Giang Ho to prepare a kind of medicinal spring called 'Huong cuong Hoan' (aka 'Lieu Lieu sealing '). This kind of medicinal spring has main ingredients are musk, Cao Ly ginseng and velvet antler. This medicine has a great use to help Trieu and her siblings to be attracted by their smooth skin and spring color.

With the above modulated ingredients, the effect of 'incense base' is extremely powerful. Loc velvet antler (deer velvet, velvet antler) is a precious medicine located in the "four jewels": ginseng, velvet antler, humiliation of cinnamon, mother-in-law. Velvet antler works to support and support serious diseases that need to be nutritious, support the overall condition, strengthen the resistance of the body, and use it with low doses to prolong life. Particularly, supportive effects on male and female physiological depression are quite effective. If you use velvet antler as velvet antler, in addition to health care, it also has a great effect on beauty and anti-aging.

The beauty of Queen Trieu Phi Yen

Massage alcohol to dissolve belly fat

To get a slim waist and a slender willow body in the wind, Trieu Phi Yen has adopted a very simple weight loss method. That is to use white wine to apply to the abdomen and massage continuously. When this area of ​​the skin heats up, it means the excess fat inside also disappears.

You can inherit this abdominal massage method of Trieu Phi Yen by combining it with ginger wine to increase the energy. Use 50ml of white wine mixed with a pinch of chopped ginger or crushed, then soak for 30 minutes and then rub it out evenly over the entire abdomen and waist. Do not forget to pat the ginger wine quickly penetrate into the skin to achieve the highest fat dissipation effect!
