Unveil the DISASTER position in the ancient area of ​​NAM GIO, any guy will GO AWAY if TOUCH

These are positions that are like "male grave" of men, making him ecstatic in the foreplay if properly stroked:

Kiss behind the ear

To surprise him, when he's least 'cautious', actively wrap his arms around his neck from behind, and use a gentle kiss to 'attack' behind his ears. When he was startled and turned his head, clench his fist to hold him and 'bite love' into the area. You should remember to do it gently to not hurt him.

Leave 'mark' on his neck

If you are a little more strong, strong personality, gently slip your hand into his hair and gently bite the neck. However, you should be careful when you want to leave a special "mark" for him, because he probably won't want to be discovered by the people around him.

Use a kiss to caress the enclosed area

Instead of smashing kisses, gently slide your lips over your neck and move up to the ear area or your chest. At the same time, don't forget to use your breath to increase your pleasure. You should change between light kisses, passing and deep kisses to make him more passionate.

Kissing is fun

Gentle kiss on the neck with a little kitten like a kitten for him to feel your lashes are touching lightly on his skin. This feeling will be like nothing that separates you from him, or will be passionate in that moment.

Ve touches with breath

Breath is the 'secret weapon' to stimulate nerves in the neck and cause arousal for couples when having sex. Begin gently with short breaths, rushing into his neck and ears. Then kiss lightly with your lips, then get stronger.

Kiss from behind

Gently kiss his neck from behind while your hand caresses his arm. After that, blow on the neck to make him buckle.

Cold kiss

A nice trick for you is to eat something cold like: ice or peppermint candy before kissing your neck. The hot and cold feeling intertwined will make him more excited.

A number of methods to help sex life flourish

Massage for each other

According to experts at the American Medical Association, the couple's massage for each other, especially the private area massage is a safe physiological activity. It not only stimulates desire in both sexes, but also supports the treatment of premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction for gentlemen.

Try 'love' for the second time

If in the past, you and your husband have a habit of encapsulating 'love' in just 15-20 minutes, then why not try changing 10 minutes for each relationship and try 'love' for the second time. In fact, Studies have also shown that men and women are more "in love" the next time, and the sperm of the "second half" is more quality than the last time.

Regularly practice Kegel exercises

Kegels exercises are really useful for both men and women, they are like the key to bring more intense pleasure to 'love'. It works to firm the vaginal muscles, thigh muscles and increase muscle strength for the genitalia. This exercise should be performed 3 times a day, each time you have a spasm of 40-50. The way to do it is to tighten the muscles in the closed area, then relax. Do at least 3 times a day.
