Whether married or not, women must memorize these 5 things to create the destiny of their lives

1. Just cheer up, where everything will go into it all

Sometimes in life difficulties will come to you, but don't let it knock you down. Instead, be strong to accept and then try to overcome, happiness or misery, death or opportunity, it all comes from your thoughts. Just keep calm, live, what will have its reasons, everything will go into it all. The more negative you are, the more difficult and tiring life is.

2. Gentle is not weak, gentle, keep the determination and mystery


As a woman, please be gentle at the right time, but do not live in a feeble way, scarecrow. Always assert yourself, want to be respected, want to have the right to live with your hobbies, then take away the worry about the tongue of the world, fear of someone judging you.

3. Single life isn't inherently bad, if you haven't found the right person then feel free to do so

Don't watch your friends get married and give birth and still be single then impatient and married to your husband. Your single friend will not laugh at you, but if you marry your husband in misery, people will laugh because you are stupid. Just enjoy your single life, and be free to do what you like. Because after you get married, you will lose a lot of things.

4. Don't lower yourself to others, knock them down with your kindness


It sounds hard to do, but the harder it is, the more effort you should make. In life, there will be bad people who take advantage of you. But do not be so that tit for tat, drop their enemies for anger. It is your job to protect yourself, just be kind and keep your head up. Surely you will make people look up and admire.

5. Be wise to know what you should say, when to say and when to be silent

The ancients taught: "Art comes from the mouth", sometimes the words you say are the things that cause you trouble. A lot of people have disasters because of their mouths, so try to refrain. making emotions, thinking wisely before speaking, women with less mouths will surely be happy.
