Create beautiful hairstyles in just 3 minutes

Curly hair

Hair plaited back and then use a straightener is many times on it to end it for curly hair more quickly.

Eventually you will get your hair as shown. Now, young people prefer simple hairstyles, easy to do, easy to make.

Hair high column

Just tie the whole compact hair up is done right, you don't even need to comb this hair style can still create perfectly and quickly.

Hair clip, first half

You take a hair section of mai, in front of the forehead, pulled out after the first round over par first, then use a clamp fixed pins.

You perform the same steps with the hair for electricity. You pay attention to the hair squeezed X cross together then clamping pins fixed!.

You squeezed the cross turn X as B1 and B2 until the hair section has been in place in the first half.

You continue to take the remaining hair and clamp as as above.

Finally you already own incredibly feminine hair in just minutes.