Hair styling 'pretty' just in 1 minute


A brief history ofChun forced hair

How to create a feminine hairstyle:

1. Comb the hair straight and then forced the high hair and loose just right.

Just chun forced hair and a skillful moderate hand is doing fine.

2. No finger in the middle of the Tufts of hair from bottom to top.

Skillfully hand poured herself into the Middle bun.

3. using two fingers, pull the hair straight threaded through the hole just created.


4. Separate the hair and then tightening than the double chun tie is done.

This hairstyle is very fast.

5. You find a hair salon for weight and all the hair section.

This hairstyle does not need the type of machine.

6. You see, just 1 minute, you can create an extremely feminine hairstyle for yourself. This hairstyle does not need the type of machine, just chun forced hair and a skillful moderate hand is doing fine.

Just 1 minute, you can create an extremely feminine hairstyle for yourself.

I wish you successful.=
