Minh Tu made 3-hour makeup to perform, worthy of 'makeup witch' in modeling

Minh Tu is famous as a long leg with great strides in the model village, in which she always tries her best to accomplish the best. Recently, Miss Asia has just transformed into a mermaid with silver-haired mermaid, an extremely impressive dress in BST 'Before Sunset' by Ha Nhat Tien.

Attending the show with many other beautiful models Minh Tu is still supported with makeup and hairdressing before the show like everyone. However, long legs born in 1993 refused to cede makeup to the younger model for her own makeup.

Minh Tu shared: "For nearly 10 years now, Tu has given himself the necessary skills such as makeup, hairdressing or preparing costumes and shoes for every show required. Tu decides to make his own makeup for fear. I don't have enough time because there are many other models waiting for make-up. I know my ability to do it, I should be a little active, but it doesn't matter. Tu does it himself and has some time to rest (Laugh) ".

Minh Tu still often makes her own appearance to attend the event, she is very passionate about makeup and often shares experiences with women.

She takes care of making makeup steps.

Minh Tu has sparkling silver hair, she also assists experts to attach hair.

Appearing with an important role, long-legged legs still decided to wear their own makeup because she was able to do it and to save time for herself and her crew.

Each show has its own layout makeup, Minh Tu see and follow the requirements of NTK.

Can see the workmanship of Minh Tu makeup is no less competitive experts. She was even more impressed when she was prepared to have a sparkling silver-colored hair.

Accordingly, BST Before SunSet of NTK Ha Nhat Tien received many positive feedback from the grave. Enjoying the joy and happiness that has not been long, he again encountered conflicting judgments from his colleagues, who are the designer Luu Ngoc Kim Khanh.

Accordingly, the female fashionista voiced a complaint about her colleague's idea but did not ask for permission, Kim Khanh herself felt a bit annoyed and annoyed that her design appeared on a catwalk of Ha Nhat Tien.

Without being silent on these questions, Ha Nhat Tien immediately gave the answer, he said: "Creativity with me is not inventing something formidable, but creativity is refreshing myself. to be seen".

Luu Ngoc Kim Khanh is angry and annoyed because she sees the similar design that makes Ho Ngoc Ha appear in the show of Ha Nhat Tien.

The outfit is represented by Minh Tu, both are quite similar but in terms of style and arrangement, if considered carefully, there are not too many similarities.

Earlier, architect Luu Ngoc Kim Khanh was once thought to be a pirate designer designed by Jennifer Lopez's costume.

Currently, Ha Nhat Tien designer has not yet offered his own opinion after stalling over Kim Khanh.

Le Thuy hotly strides full confidence in a sparkling design of Ha Nhat Tien.

With the desire to fully exploit the iridescent, brilliant beauty of the water under the bright sun before sunset, the 30 designs of Ha Nhat Tien imprinted deeply in the audience's hearts thanks to the silver and gold color. metallic, creating an interesting visual effect.

In addition to hairstyles, accessories such as hats and earrings are carefully prepared and in harmony with the overall outfit.

Each wing that he brought to simulate the movement of water in a particular way, showing the natural beauty, the nature of nature but also full of sophistication, fascination.

Various rich materials such as leather, taffata Japanese, khaki silk, velvet, mesh, organza, simily . along with the way to handle is attached, hook, cup, heat transfer printing on metal, 3D blocks has created expensive accents for each of his beautiful wings on the runway on the mysterious nature.
