Natural acne treatment mask for mother vote

1. the yogurt mask

Clean cleanser then apply a layer of thin yogurt over and wait to dry in the final 10 minutes, rinse the face with warm water. The first sense the mother will see your acne spots are the se must again, also no longer glossy surface skin oils. Please use this way of persistence in a week, my sister will saw the acne spots almost disappeared.

Yogurt can also combine with other natural ingredients to make beautiful face skin. The way is simple, just mix the yogurt and rice bran, then massage the face for 10 minutes and then rinse. Hard to do with sour milk mother elected will see his skin more beautiful, acne spots, bruises eventually disappear.

2. dilute salt water

Salt has the effect of antibacterial and help Unclog pores on the skin surface. The mother can use hot water to dilute the salt tinge facial sauna will see when the acne gradually reduce stains.

In addition, salt combined with lemon is also a type of acne treatment mask is quite effective. Squeezed lemon juice diluted, less salt in the evening before bed, wash your face with water, has antiseptic effects acne stains very well.

3. art + honey mask

You muỗm for 2 tablespoons honey 2 teaspoons turmeric powder and mix well in a bowl. Then stir them into a smooth mixture and then up onto the surface.

The efficiency of this natural face mask sisters can be seen right after the first extension. After 3 times of use, skin will gradually glow, smooth and especially the maximum reduction of acne. Masks technology also helps reduce the penetrating the skin very well against the mother was seen in acne.

4. Masks of perilla

Grind leaf take water, lather up the face before going to bed, light rinse. Leaf water vapors applicator for mercy, but the parents don't worry nothing will affect the mother's skin.

5. The mask of honey and cinnamon powder

Mix 3 TSP of honey with 1 tsp cinnamon powder into the mixture and make a DAB up the acne. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Best we can do before sleeping, to spend the night, in the morning wash your face with warm water. Apply daily for about 2 weeks the sisters will see results.

6. potato mask

Potatoes pureed or cut life circled up up possible swelling to obscure bruises, flat and pimples, black heads, acne whiteheads. You can also boil the potatoes, then mash up up acne is.

7. apple cider vinegar mask

Vinegar contains antiseptic and antibacterial ingredients help acne scar in not, at the same time push the toxins out of the skin.  To use Apple Cider vinegar as a mask, the sisters should dilute apple cider vinegar with water, then DAB a small amount onto the skin of acne and acne scars, and then rinse with warm water.

8. The mask of white radish

Crushed white radish, apply to the face for 15 minutes then rinse with cold water every day helps skin bleaching and astringent, remove blackheads, freckles and Melasma for her vote.

9. Some note help reduce acne for mother vote

 To reduce acne during the secret vote, the parents should:

-Drink more water, eat more green vegetables and keep the spirit always comfortable.

-When the cleanser should not use cotton or towel rub because dolohov would do that just to wash gently by hand, then dry, absorbent gauze, clean water.

-Quit the habit of touching the face, moulding, non-acne because will cause redness and create scars on the skin.

-Limit switch hole sealing factors like hair cosmetic, masking password page too tightly, to hair covering the face, sweat much.

-Limit out sunshine from 12 a.m. to 15 hours, can apply sunscreen or skin protection by hats, masks.=
