Skin care for men or stay up late

Extra vitamin C at dinner

Eat more of these foods contain collagen and vitamin C as the skin of animals, fruits, vegetables. In addition, you can drink an extra dose of vitamin C after dinner. Here is how to increase the elasticity, smooth light and protect skin from wrinkles. Remember limit alcohol, spices, grease ... for dinner.

Drink adequate water

When awake at night, your skin will be very dry, always to a cup of water next to the desk and regular drink, don't use tea or coffee too much, it will make your skin worse. If the dry season, please turn to moisture conditioners. Before working on the evening, wash face, DAB and DAB rose water cream.

This is one of the ways for the skin care or stay up late effect that many people or applied for. And before going to bed, drink 1-2 glasses of water to help the blood circulate better and efficient is the body is purged. If it is boring, you can replace with the juice, the juice.

Used oil blotting paper

Late-night work will stimulate the sebaceous glands on the skin running strong, so the skin will become greasy ball than usual. To eliminate the unpleasant sensation on the skin and is also to prevent acne attack you should use oil blotting paper to clean the oil suction.

When necessary can wash your face with cleanser has a calming activity will help increase the efficiency of cleaning the skin. Use fresh milk to wash your face is also a way to "pamper" great skin in this context. It's best to do this work after the end of the work and before bed.

Moisturize the skin

Moisturizing the skin is also very beneficial habits in the evening, help for skin dryness not chappy or peeling. Your skin regularly to provide the humidity will also soft, smooth and slow the aging process.

Full drinking water is the way the most effective moisturizers to skin, besides that you can also use moisturizer to achieve this purpose.

Processor-intensive eyes dark circles

When penetrating eye dark circles or puffiness Berry, you use the cold water ice around the eyes, feeling, good will help give the eye becomes essential skin cells more quickly, se back, help the skin toned, eye swelling puffiness reduction formula effective night.

A folk methods that many people still often used because it is rapid efficiency use cucumber slices cut to offset up to the eye. If no cucumber, you can use two bags of chilled tea residue replaced will also bring the same efficiency.

Gentle eye massage after the face mask will also help you feel better and improve the status of unwanted eyes.

Face mask regularly

Make regular use of these types of masks from nature such as cucumber, mangoes, potatoes, tomatoes, ... to vitamin supplement for your skin if you have to stay up late, with only a few minutes up the mask but the result will bring very significant. If you do not use fruit masks you can use skin cream at night are derived from nature.

Interested in a work room space

The temperature is too hot or too cold are detrimental to your skin, the more a room sealed as carry, impede air circulation also make the skin have to suffer the deduction.

So should concern room space, stars for moderate temperatures, clean, cool to the skin condition absorption and metabolism. In addition, the mess would be causing you stress at work and reduced ability to concentrate.

When using the automatic need to adjust the average temperature level, stability, should not let the room too cold will cause dry-prone skin chappy because the mechanism-of-water conditioner.


Although there is no less a way to nourish the skin in case of work late at night, but the more restrictions are getting up late how much you protect the skin to avoid the bad risk.

It's best to adjust the working time if possible, sleep right now and it's best to sleep before 11 p.m. will ensure the body's biological clock does not encounter the trouble during operation.=
