The secret of creating smooth skin satisfy jewelry dress sexy

Not you she would also own spotless skin soft. The bruises, scars or stretch causing women to headaches when choosing the outfit, especially in summer. However, the downside could completely overcome by makeup.

A few revealing here can also make you more confident with her body:

Exfoliation and preparing the perfect liner

The first step is to have your skin soft and smooth you should do that is exfoliation and prepare background layer smooth. This will help the next makeup class was quickly and more easily. You can study many body scrub right at home with the homemade mixture, then, don't forget to apply 1 layer of moisturizer (enclosed primer if desired) onto the skin to create "liner" perfect skin protection.

Select the appropriate background cream

Cream background will help you conceal the "trace" imperfections on the body. Often, the background for the ice cream will have the recipe and fairly lightweight grip compared to the thickness of the skin, so they will not be able to cover all the cons, or easily cling to clothing. Therefore, please count employee advice find yourself kind of dedicated concealer and really match the skin color of his body.


When using concealer for the whole body, you should use palms to avoid getting cream to rub on the nails as well as the amount of ice cream are distributed unevenly. Next, wait 3-4 minutes for the dry and more riveted by this background layer 1 layer of chalk up to electrodes, creating background layer to dry its true nature.

Fixed Trig class

After finishing with a layer of chalk, don't forget to wait 2-3 minutes for the necessary amount of pollen sticking again fixed on the skin. Then, you continue to use the light through the medium leather dash brush to take away the excess powder chalk section. This is considered the most important step because it makes your makeup class long drifting, never sticky and causing a stain for clothing.

Brown leather dyeing cream

Creamy Brown leather dyes can also use concealer for similar body cream background and concealer. It is suitable for when you are sunbathing on the beach, or simply a desire to have healthy brown skin, more personality. However even with cake dye the skin, you should also use a thin coating layer of chalk on the outside to keep the colour durability more Rome erupted.

All aerosol spray

When you want to cover defects to go swimming, the bikini area spray is the perfect choice. With the advantage of handy, waterproof, can easily select a color (pink, white, natural white, Brown copper) to create the effect as desired, spray will help you obscured cons on the skin not only in the legs but also in the hands, shoulders, chest.

Lumpy orange peel skin

All makeup for your skin can only mask the problem of pigment, not able to fade away the problem skin texture especially lumpy orange peel skin condition. However, if in the background of this skin cream canopy with darker skin tone cream around a little bit, lumpy orange peel skin will become dimmer, difficult to see over, but of course still can not cover completely.

Emulsion powder

Emulsion powder solutions help concealer without too reveal willow is using a little flour mixed with cream emulsion and DAB all over the skin. Née Sparkle will make you skin flashes light, highlights, drag the attention off the defective on your skin. This way is suitable for when you go to a party, or taking pictures.

Purge the page

For makeup classes all over your body needs cleaning dedicated page. At this time, take a DAB of cream bleach your skin up bad makeup, gently massage under the picture look parki screws and then wipe with a damp towel.=
