The secret 'toxic' helped conceal the faces of lifeless

Wash your face clean

After a long tiring night, wash your face clean is the first thing you need to do to in order to help you more awake, at the same time reduce the penetrating eye dark circles, pale. Should you use cold water to wash your face, then wiping with a dry towel to your skin to breath a little before "cosmetic touch slapped" for a new day.

After a long tiring night, wash your face clean.

Eye Balm

Puffy eyes is exactly what makes many of you girls feel confident every morning. At this time, you need to do for the skin around the eyes, especially the puffiness of the eye. At the same time how to conceal the deep skin or redness around the eyes. First or put an eye cream amounts truth slim around the eye (Note: Please use the pinkie lightly dot for the ice cream slowly penetrate deeply into the skin).

Draw eyebrows

If eyebrows ladies and pale, you use the Brown lead to create designs.

If eyebrows ladies and pale, you use the Brown lead to create designs. Remember the first pale eyebrows than drawing the tail section.

If you're bold enough and thick legs, you just use the colorless mascara brush from the leg to the to the stroke you look natural.

Mix colors

Add color is probably the most effective way of hiding away look terribly pale. But the key is that you need to press the color anywhere on the face. If you are thinking of sending tone eyes vibrant color, then you're completely wrong! Try the light coating of chalk layer brushes bronzer (Brown pastel) colors, not née up all over his face. After that is a bit more tone color pastel "berries" as pink, Orange, red cherry ... up 2 cheek to quickly own the skin smooth, graceful that fresh natural look perfect.

Color for the lips

The color pale lipstick and lipgloss being favored. You should select the same cardboard suit, lipstick, Pastel pink, pastel eye and dresses. Brush or DAB the lipstick directly onto the lips should not border guys lips.=
