The song hair style for the season new year 2015

Boho hair Waves (ripples)

Bohemieng wave or Boho waves is tangled in between star turn hair to ripple waves and natural light. This is probably the hair style has always been the nice person busy. No need to book or request type drying plots, boho hair brings you to the natural beauty, youthful and sexy in a way mystery. Will catch more eyes if you hair dye ombre.

Horse tail hair

For her to have her hair cut by from shoulder to length, with high, forcing the entire tail section in compact flocks of hair.  Simple hair and very natural can be hit more with the chun forced by your hair. Of course, you are very easy to become sloppy and faint if forced ponytail that forget the makeup. Do not need much time, just the emphasis on you, the eyes and the small round seeds earrings or necklaces chain form. This simple hair will make you very impressive, elegant and classic.

New year hair herringbone

Don't be afraid of fish bone Tet hair do you clown. Important is that you already know the new year the right way with the length of the hair and face, and how to dress. Select how the liquid new year and Bong soon heads down to create levels fall naturally to the short curls, the beauty of the paperback the jewel ivory. If your hair is long, please select the way along from the top of the head down to the new year as Hồ Ngọc Hà still do. You can also then plaited bun puppet heads down. Of course, this fish bone hair just gives you seem romantic, soaring if you an the vintage dress.

French bun hair

Don't think the hair in a bun hairstyle makes you old. Can't get old if you have dyed hair, bright Hazel, dark or yellow ombre. Try liquid real hand when bun and you can also use the assistance of buy hair tools available.=
