These extreme foods good for your skin in summer

And what kind of food is also an important role to bring about a healthy diet. The secret of this Sun products as antioxidants.

These substances help fight free radicals, which cause premature aging. The radicals penetrate into the body, and the electrons from healthy cells. Antioxidants are substances that "avatar", they will radiate throughout the body and sacrifice the additional electrons, from that destroy free radicals harm healthy cells.

Dark chocolate-you-la-black

Flavanoids found in dark chocolate-you-la black can improve the ability of your skin to help protect against some kind of destroys the skin (including the problem of the UV rays as the sun burns). In addition, the flavonoids can help moisturizing for your skin, increase the saturation of oxygen, and increased blood flow!


Watermelon is one of the most nutritious food because it increases the amount of water in the body. Watermelon contains water volume up to 92%. Watermelon is a great fruit for summer. Eat watermelon not only supplement but also makes your skin always smooth and strain the Berry.


An orange contains approximately 90% water. You can easily buy oranges at any time of the year. Cam can soothe away your thirst quickly. You can drink orange juice or orange slices and then cut up on his glass of water also brings back the great taste.

Sour milk

You know that, yogurt contains high water content although the texture of it was quite extraordinary. At the same time, yogurt contains healthy amounts of biological enzymes aid digestion and help keep your intestinal tract healthy. Today, in addition to yogurt, you can try many types of yogurt with different flavors.


Does not contain too many nutrients, cucumbers contain some fiber and water. Cucumbers are great foods to help. You can eat with cucumber with salads or mannequin of cucumber. Cucumber is sure to make your meal more appealing and interesting.


Apple is one of the good food and nutrient-rich. You do not need to preserve cold and can eat apples at any time. Apples contain about 85% water so apples are great foods to do no belly and chill. Apple has a taste and texture, and is one of the types of foods you should eat every day.


Fresh pineapple is the food of summer. You can add the pineapple into salads or vitamins. Pineapple contains about 85% water, so you should supplement the pineapple every day to keep your body lose water, refreshing and healthy.


Mango often mistaken should not eat much during the summer, because it is said to make the body gets hot. But in fact, Mango's foods without fat, more sugar and more natural fiber. What this means is the mango will keep you no longer. The amount of vitamin A in mangoes are very good for your skin and shiny hair, especially in the summer. Vitamin A is also a powerful antioxidant to prevent premature aging and degenerative diseases. Vitamin C in Mango help prevent a stroke caused by the Sun.


Carrots contain lots of vitamin A and zinc. These are the basic ingredients have the effect of controlling the activity of sebaceous glands, reducing the amount of dead cells on the upper layers of the dermis. Besides, the vitamin A has a lot of carrots, pumpkin, tomato ... also recreates the skin, giving you skin smooth pinky.

Coconut water

Coconut water

Coconut water is the best natural a source of electrolytes. Coconut water also contains minerals such as iron, calcium, manganese good for your hair and skin. So, don't forget to drink coconut water this summer.


If you like to eat raw vegetables, lettuce is a choice you need to keep in mind. Lettuce contains approximately 92% water, is a great food to help you melt away the thirst. You can try eating lettuce with mayonnaise, or other food.


Vegetables are full of vitamins B3, B6, C and beta-carotene. It is also a rich source of iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium to help support the break and eliminate toxins and can also improve and enhance the health of the liver. Beetroot is also a source of abundant fiber, essential for summer.


Has the cooling effect so it can beat the summer heat. In practice also have quercetin, an antioxidant which helps prevent damage caused by free radicals cause, if consumption will help young sister long and healthy thanks to the use of removing toxins from the body of the onion.

Vegetables mustard

The types of vegetables such as broccoli, kale and cauliflower, contain the necessary antioxidants help fight free radicals that cause nuisance. In particular, they vegetables also helps cancer prevention not only in the skin but also some other parts. Research shows broccoli sprouts (also in vegetables), contains sulforaphane helps increase the ability to protect the skin against from cancer.

Left elected

All the different vegetables in their family home elected are very great for the summer because they have a high water content. The fruit is also good for heart health and diabetes. In addition, they are also considered "soldiers" against the virus and malaria, aid digestion.

Green vegetables

What kind of vegetables or leaf green, they are very good for protection from harmful effects of the Sun. The fresh herbs (especially parsley, basil, Sage-saffron, Rosemary) have the effect of destroying free radicals and protects your skin against oxidation. Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach and turnip Switzerland filled the antioxidants such as polyphenols and carotenoids, which protects the skin in a natural way from the harmful effects of the Sun.

A study shows that eating green vegetables helps prevent recurrence of skin cancer for those who have suffered before. (Warning:. The study also found that milk products "" such as milk, cheese and yogurt will increase the risk of the sick back).


Omega-3 fatty acids are found in many kinds of food (particularly shellfish and fish have much fat) are resistant to inflammation. Research shows that these compounds may help protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals (caused by the Sun). Another study showed that adding omega-3 for diet menu (or use it in supplement form) can help prevent some types of skin cancer.

Green tea and black tea

Types of green tea and black tea contain polyphenols, which may help stop progression of cancer by limiting the supply of blood to the area infected with cancer.

A number of studies have found that green tea can help prevent cancer not malignant tumors in the skin (there are also some other great health benefits). Research has also shown that those who drink one cup of tea per day, the incidence of Melanoma is lower.=
