Use the amazing beauty from the road.

Keep lip color

Sprinkle a little sugar over the lips after the kid's son, wait a minute and remove most of the way. The road sucked moisture from the lipstick helps maintain color while the dust can cling to grade son will not have the opportunity to do that.

Soften the lips

The dry environment is not only a response to winter weather. The dry chappy also often involve heat and exposure to the Sun. Therefore, you can severely dry lips, desquamation and even chapped. To silky soft lips just rub the little sugar lips up, rinse with water and DAB lip cream.


Sugar is raw beauty perfect weather hanh dry, negative influence to our skin, especially dry skin. The road also subdued lighter than salt, glycolic acid abundantly contained, has the effect in particular makes the skin toned thanks to increase the thickness of the floor under the skin deep.

In particular, brown sugar recipe-fresh milk is most effective by road will take away the dead cells, fresh milk again penetrate deeply into every pores were clean to moisturize and provide nourishment to the skin.

You can soften the skin and remove dead skin cells with sugar. Mix half a cup of sugar with a certain type of oil you like, until it became a mixture of accents. Rub all over the region, especially dry skin care khủy the hands, knees, ankles. Under the shower bath you will find bright, soft skin.

Hand skin care

First, soak your hands in cold water. Then, use a clean cotton towel, helping hands hold moisture. Then squeezed lemon juice, weed seeds. Mix lemon juice with brown sugar has a DAB hand, up and carefully washed the dead skin in the region. Skin tips with this road really simple easy done

Soften the skin

Not only limited to the baptism of the dead skin cells, the road also helps soften the skin is dry. Very simple, let's mix a bit of brown sugar with olive oil then rub evenly onto the skin, after mixed to save about 10 minutes, you get the cold water to wash and dry your skin, immediately you will feel the cool soft on her skin.

Anti aging

At least one knows that the road also creates a protective layer against the toxins that attack the cells of the skin. This in the long run will slow the aging process and helps the skin you have the young than the old.

Balance oil levels

The street contains two important ingredients: glycolic acid and alpha-hydroxy-acid 2 components help maintain the balance perfectly the oil in the skin. It will help your skin to not be too dry or too oily. So if you are struggling to find a product for dry skin or oily skin, the main road is the most useful products.

Exfoliation for scalp

Add few spoons of brown sugar into 1 discharge oil just enough to form 1 adhesive. Let's do the wet hair, using a mixture of gentle scalp rub you in a minute or two, then wash. Extremely useful for curly hair.=
