12 things College taboo against certain infant you must know

1. When carrying the child go where fear demons haunt, they s12 things College taboo against certain infant you must knowar the pot up baby's forehead, or hold a knife to protect the child. Meet strangers making the child cry vía data, people burned when strangers out of eligibility.

2. every night to the Young is crying, called crying Yes. Want to cure, must borrow the neighbors get pegs Coop Guinea Pigs throw down the bed.

Not brave enough to wake the sleeping children, so12 things College taboo against certain infant you must know of them others tomorrow phảy hair into the child's mouth for it.

3. The child is not brave enough to sleep up, so12 things College taboo against certain infant you must know others theirs tomorrow phảy hair into the child's mouth for it.

4. Older step, grab the fla12 things College taboo against certain infant you must know betel leaf paste on the forehead for off.

5. Visiting the child, not compli12 things College taboo against certain infant you must knownted beautiful baby, fat or heavy weight. Such praise is his rebuke, make kids ill, failure.

6. Do not put your child through the window for the Bong closing. Afraid to do after the theft.

7. If the child is crying constantly and violently, the ancients believed to hurt storm, to borrow the pluck storm on the top of the child's mother, when holding the presses on the stomach. I.e. stutters the strand of hair wrapped together in the top of the mother.

8. When the sneezing, the wish to "Live long" to blessed the live healthy, quickly grew.

9. The big slow, weak, then closing it snuck through the upper ranks of elderly coffin at life putting hordes.

The big slow, weak, then closing it snuck through the upper ranks of elderly coffin at life putting hordes.

10. children should not mirror: so12 things College taboo against certain infant you must know say the kid will fear, panic and sleep soundly if the mirror.

So12 things College taboo against certain infant you must know say the kid will fear, panic and sleep soundly if the mirror.

11. Inside the baby's room absolutely not crashes, put the paintings have to be vicious, monstrous figure if the baby arbitrarily suspended need analysis for the baby out of the fig leaves. When breaking this baby personality then beco12 things College taboo against certain infant you must knows monstrous tempers and vicious.

12. In the bedroom not hanging bells, or debilitating nervous owners.=
