3 extremely important 'milestones' that pregnant women must overcome during pregnancy

First trimester of pregnancy

In the first months of pregnancy, if you do not notice many mothers will not know you are pregnant. At this stage, all activities of the mother need to be gentle because the fetus is still not firmly attached to the uterus, this is also the time when the new fetus is conceived and the mother will need to change much in her living habits to ensure security. all for me.

At this time, the mother's breasts became more sensitive, began to stretch out while the nipples and areola were larger and darker; The hormones inside the body will have a typical dramatic change such as: Morning sickness, saliva, excessive urination, acne, .

Also during this period, the embryo carrying the DNA of the parents was officially embryo. In the next 6 weeks, your baby's organs will begin to form and some agencies will be able to perform their functions. Week 11 of pregnancy, important organs such as kidney, intestine, brain, liver begin to function, the baby has a nearly complete shape, bones are stronger.

To ensure that the mother and daughter are always safe, in addition to eating well and going to regular pregnancy checkups, the mother must take folic acid, iron, calcium and vitamins A, D, C and B.

Three months of pregnancy

When the first three months were over tired, she began to have clear feelings about her internal growth through her pregnancy display, growing belly, eating more and always feeling sleepy. .

At this stage, the mother has overcome morning sickness, psychology is also more comfortable but is more susceptible to constipation, the immune system is also worse and starts to appear stretch marks. With the baby in the abdomen, from the 4th month of pregnancy, the mother knows the sex of the baby The weight of baby can reach from 50-70gam / week and to the 7th month, the baby is as big as a pumpkin. Also from these weeks, pregnant women can easily observe beautiful small parts on their bodies through ultrasound such as hands, feet, lips, eyes .

Although the third trimester of pregnancy is a relatively safe period for pregnant women, it is not advisable to skip the antenatal checkup and necessary tests. Closely monitoring will help pregnant women to have a healthy pregnancy and eliminate common diseases during pregnancy. In addition, mothers should eat more than before, regularly adding nutrients such as folic acid, protein, fat, starch and mineral vitamins. But should not eat too much cause overweight, obesity, gestational diabetes.

The last three months of pregnancy

At this stage, pregnant mother will gain weight very quickly, the belly becomes bigger before the mother can hardly breathe deeply, the feeling becomes increasingly bulky and edgy. The baby's body will now have an average length of 48 to 53.3 cm, weighing between 2.7 and 4 kg at birth. Baby will have full eyelashes, eyebrows, hair. Nail nails fully developed. The baby's skin begins to stretch, ruddy thanks to the fat layer formed below the skin, this fat layer also has the function of keeping the baby's body temperature when born. By the end of the week, she started to turn, turning her head and lying on her pelvis preparing to be born.

In order for the birth to be successful, the pregnant mother may need to have a prenatal check every two weeks from week 28 to week 36, and then increase it once a week until birth. Before that, moms should actively supplement vitamins, minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, folic acid, .

Note: In the last three months of pregnancy, the mother will gain weight very quickly, so diet and diet should be strictly controlled. During pregnancy 9 months and 10 days, pregnant women should only increase from 10-12kg.

Things to know when pregnant

Vaccination before pregnancy

Before you get pregnant, you need vaccinations for diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B and chickenpox. Vaccinations should be completed at least 3 months before pregnancy. The pregnant mother needs to know, for the rubella injection, only one injection is given, the second can be repeated after 1 month if in the epidemic area, the disease is circulating.

Mother noted during pregnancy:

Inject 3 doses of hepatitis B within 4 months or 6 months. Regimen: 0-2-4 or 0-1-6. If not enough time can be vaccinated 2 or more vaccines at the same time, in different locations.

If not vaccinated with the above diseases before becoming pregnant, there may be some unfortunate risks for the fetus such as congenital complications. Therefore, moms need to be aware of pregnancy during the vaccination.

The pregnant mother needs to know how to schedule a routine pregnancy checkup

In what you need to know when you are pregnant, periodic antenatal care is extremely important that your pregnant mother needs to know. This helps parents follow the development of the fetus, early detection of the risk of malformations or possible complications. Pregnant women need to know the development of pregnancy through 3 special stages:

Note during pregnancy

In cases of pregnancy problems such as bleeding, premature birth, malnutrition, low amniotic fluid, mother's illness, etc., the pregnancy check-up schedule will be different.
