3 habits that make mothers difficult to breed, especially the second most dangerous thing, give up as soon as it's too late

Mom elected picky eaters

There are many healthy foods that need to be supplemented by mothers during pregnancy. Providing plenty of nutrients will help your baby grow healthy. On the other hand, the variety of food flavors will affect the amniotic fluid directly and help babies after birth can eat more flavor.

Annoyed and annoyed

When pregnant, the baby is only in the womb, so all activities and psychology of mother and child can be felt. Therefore, her personality is also greatly influenced by her mother and all her relatives.

late-night mother baby born late at night

Every time the mother's mood is happy or sad, the hormones related to the mood will be released. At that time, they will infuse directly into the fetus.

Mother often stays up late

Many moms always ask the question: Why does my child rarely sleep and often stay up late? If sleeping, babies often sleep during the day and wake up at night.

The mother elected to be angry with the child who was born hard

Crying all night without letting anyone sleep. Your baby is in a state of day-to-night sleep.

This is because the time when pregnant pregnant mother often stays up late and doesn't sleep enough.
