4 foods to help pregnant women filter clear amniotic fluid, raising babies as fast as blowing


This is a group of foods that contain lots of water, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health. Therefore, when you do not know what amniotic fluid is lacking, immediately add this food group to your daily menu. The fruits that can be used for pregnant women are grapes, strawberries, melons, tomatoes, lemons, grapefruit, tangerines, oranges, etc.

Black beans cook coconut water

Ingredients: Fresh coconut; Black beans over fists.

Method: Pre-soak black beans to soften quickly. Coconuts tighten the coconut surface (remember to retain the coconut to make a lid). Put the black beans on the coconut (should pour coconut water into the mug, then put the black beans on the coconut and pour the coconut water back to help prevent the overflow), remove the coconut surface. Put the coconut in steamed water for 4 hours, light the burner to help reduce gas consumption. Then take the stainless steel spoon scraping the coconut + beans + coconut water to eat.

Chicken lotus seed soup

Chicken is a good source of protein for pregnant women and their babies while lotus seeds are an effective medicine to treat insomnia for pregnant women. Chicken thighs cleaned, can cut pieces or leave the whole thigh. Carrots and shiitakes washed. Carrots were sliced ​​and mushrooms were soaked and then picked out, drained, halved. Lotus seeds after washing are split in half or left intact, if left whole, the mother needs to remove the lotus center by inserting a small toothpick from under the lotus seed, the lotus heart will emerge.

- Add water to the pot, boil in the heat and add chicken drumstick and carrots, shiitake mushrooms, and lotus seeds. Season to full flavor, continue to simmer until chicken cooked.

- Ladle into a bowl, sprinkle with cilantro on top and have a very nutritious soup.


Besides fruits, vegetables are also a food group that contains many essential nutrients for both pregnant women and fetuses. Supplementing foods made with these foods can help pregnant women improve amniotic fluid deficiency. Recommended dishes for you are salads, soups, boiled vegetables .

What water should pregnant women drink when amniotic fluid is missing?

When the doctor diagnoses amniotic fluid deficiency during pregnancy, women should add plenty of water every day to avoid getting worse. Besides, the types of drinking water that help increase amniotic fluid quickly and supplement nutrition for pregnant women are:

Fruit juice or smoothie: Juices / fruit smoothies, coconut water, sugarcane juice will help the body get the amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and microelements necessary for the mother's body. vote. However, you should carefully determine the right amount and time to use cane juice and coconut water to ensure the safety of the fetus.

Milk for pregnant women: This is one of the products deemed necessary for pregnant women. This drink not only helps to overcome the malnutrition in the mother, limiting the deficiency of amniotic fluid but also adds calcium to the baby's bones and joints to develop.
