4 kinds of nutritious vegetables, but pregnant women absolutely do not eat lest damaging mother

Vegetables shrinkage

In the nutritional composition of vegetables, it contains a lot of viatamine A, very good for those who have just born, or have just undergone surgery. However, shrimps are not suitable for pregnant people especially during the first trimester. Because in the nutritional composition of vegetables that contain papaverin is a substance found in opium poppy, it relaxes smooth muscle of blood vessels to reduce pain, lower blood pressure, which can cause miscarriage.

Bitter melon

Bitter melon is considered a medicine in Eastern medicine, in the nutritional composition of bitter melon rich in vitamins B, iron, zinc, potassium, manganese, magnesium so this fruit plays an important role in providing nutrients for muscles. and enhance human immunity.

Vegetables cause miscarriage

However, in the wall of bitter melon contains Quinine, the bitter taste of the fruit causes strong stimulation leading to uterine and stomach contractions, which can cause miscarriage.


In the nutritional composition of mugwort has a bitter, spicy, aromatic, warmth properties, so it has a good effect in regulating blood circulation, calming nerves, helping to relieve muscle pain and abdominal pain.

Proper use of wormwood will bring many benefits to pregnant women, but if misuse of wormwood within the first 3 months of pregnancy can lead to heavy bleeding, uterine contractions and miscarriage harmful to the mother. and me.

Bitter melon causes miscarriage

Laksa leaves

Leafy laksa is a hot and spicy spice, so the effect of laksa leaves when eaten raw is warm, helps digestion and welding. Pregnant women should not eat laksa leaves much because it is easy to lose blood, especially in laksa leaves have uterine contractions leading to miscarriage. So avoid eating too much laksa during pregnancy.
