4 signs the fetus is in danger, the mother needs to know to save the baby immediately

Mom vomited too much

During pregnancy, pregnant women are often tired of vomiting, especially in the first 3 months because nausea is a common symptom in all pregnant women, making women uncomfortable but not harmful to the fetus. But if it is not normal for pregnant women to vomit during the second and third trimester of pregnancy, it is not normal. This sign indicates that your fetus is having difficulty seeing a doctor.

Little or not upset mother urinate

During pregnancy, pregnant women gain weight during pregnancy is completely normal. But if mom promotes weight gain too quickly or too slowly, it is not good for the health of the mother and child.

Abnormal movement of the fetus

In addition, the abnormal weight is accompanied by symptoms of limb edema, headache, visual disturbances, this is a sign of extremely dangerous pre-eclampsia for the mother. Pregnant women need to have a health check to know the condition of the fetus.

Abnormal fetus

During the 5th month of pregnancy, you will feel the baby's movements. A fetus can indicate fetal health. If the fetus is abnormal, the baby can move up or down, and sometimes the movement will double or decrease during the day, which could be a warning sign of fetal hypoxia. If the mother sees that the baby is not moving, the fetus may be stillborn. You need to get checked right away to know the health status of your baby.

Mom lost her chest feeling

Mom lost feeling tightness in the chest

During pregnancy due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, causing increased blood flow and changes in the breast tissue, the breasts of the pregnant mother are swollen, painful, stiff, much more sensitive than before. If a pregnant woman feels that her body is losing chest tightness, it is important to pay attention because the baby may be in danger. You need to see a doctor to know if you and your baby are safe.
