5 bad habits of mother elected make children born less intelligent, slow and fastidious

Picky eaters

When a mother elects too picky to eat, it affects her mood because when she doesn't eat something, she will lack the nutrition of that food. At the same time, pregnant mother is too picky to eat and makes her fetus born to be picky to eat like her mother. In addition, mothers who choose to eat picky will often give birth to a child without stunted nutrition than usual.


When the mother-in-law is constantly irritated with irritation, the baby is born with an extremely dangerous disease that is irritable, uncomfortable with people around. A mother's emotions will affect her feelings. Therefore, mother should pay attention to her mood so as not to affect her.

When pregnant, do not get angry much

Stay up late, sleep late

During pregnancy, if the pregnant mother regularly stays up late, it will cause the baby to be born with this habit and often sleep during the night, causing the baby's circadian rhythm to be affected, making care of the mother more difficult.

According to research by scientists, it has been proved that pregnant women who go to bed early, wake up early will give birth to easy-to-raise children, do not sleep during the night and are easy to follow in a stable manner. In contrast, when pregnant women often sleep late, they will also be 'inherited' by this and 'work hard' at night but sleeping very hard during the day will be very bad for their mother.


When pregnant, if the mother is pregnant, she will have a negative impact on the health of both mother and child. At the same time, if the mother is pregnant, she will have difficulty in giving birth.

Therefore, despite being tired, pregnant mothers should take 30 minutes to walk every day to make their process of being "overflow" smooth and smooth.

When pregnant, do not picky to eat

Lazy thinking

Many pregnant mothers often lazy to think that the number of pregnant women will always be a priority and be allowed to be lazy, no need to work hard to exercise too much this is absolutely true. But lazy thinking is a siage work because this will make pregnant mother more buzzing and make the fetus less intelligent right from the womb.

When a mother is lazy, the fetal neurons will be less active, so the baby will be less concentrated, making the baby in the womb more alert than other babies.
