6 basic principles to elect her get good sleep for

6 basic principles to she elected to get good sleep.

Do not drink more water, eat too no before sleep

Drink water so no also led his mother was awake night due to minor sad. So, I elected to want good sleep should not drink a lot of water within 2 hours before going to bed. Parents also should not eat too no will cause the stomach to much activity and affects my sleep.

Thanks to my husband for massage

Thanks mate for massage of legs, arms or neck is also a way to reduce the strain the muscle strain, helped elect sleep.

Bedrooms are airy, cool

Her body elected often hotter than normal person should parents need to pay attention to the temperature in the bedroom. If your bedroom might open, parents open to create a cool atmosphere.  Parents need to know that, feeling cool and comfortable is very beneficial for the development of the fetus .

Pajamas are transient, software

To have a good sleep, parents should choose these Pajamas cool cotton or linen material by. Parents should also pay attention to underwear to star for the most comfortable feeling when sleeping.

Do not use the drinks are stimulants

Beverages containing stimulants such as tea, coffee can will make parents more and more awake and hard to go to sleep.


Exercise or join a yoga class for her vote. The gentle version also is helping care for her vote have good sleep.=
