Do not think your wife will only bear every labor, there are still 5 more terrible things when you are pregnant, you must understand your wife


This is a familiar pain that most pregnant mothers endure during pregnancy. The more about the later stages of pregnancy, the greater the fetus is, the easier it is to squeeze and cause discomfort and pressure on the back of the mother's back, leading to aches and pains. In order to limit back pain, experts recommend that women avoid strong exercise, excessive exercise not only makes back pain worse but is also not good for fetal development.

However, the pregnant women should not sit around all the time, just go to yoga classes to improve pain, help the joints become flexible and regulate the breathing more easily.


Rapidly increasing hormones during pregnancy will make pregnant women more susceptible to toothache, gingivitis, bleeding when brushing their teeth than usual. These symptoms will quickly diminish after childbirth and the mother performs more thorough oral care, gargling saline, cold compresses to relieve pain. If the toothache becomes severe and affects the mother's daily life such as not being able to eat, lose sleep, etc., go to the doctor for a list of painkillers suitable for pregnant women. .

Pain due to cramps

Like back pain, cramping is a problem that makes many pregnant women obsessed. The more you get to the end of your pregnancy, the more severe your cramps will appear and cause very painful pain. The cause of cramps may be due to calcium deficiency or dehydration, in addition, the larger belly section puts heavy pressure on the legs is also one of the reasons why pregnant mothers have cramps. Women will be most susceptible to cramps at night, restraining their legs a little higher before sleeping will help their mothers to cope with these pains, when they discover they have cramps, thanks to her husband being a massage Good way to feel comfortable right away.


This is also a swollen part and becomes more sensitive after the mother is pregnant. Symptoms of pain and swelling may appear as early as 1-2 weeks after conception, then from the 6th to 8th week, the breasts may become swollen and continue to develop throughout pregnancy. Usually, the breast will rise to a certain size to produce milk and will shrink after the mother stops breastfeeding.


During pregnancy, many pregnant mothers noticed that their nose was abnormally enlarged and red as a tomato dominated the face. This phenomenon is caused by nasal blood vessels swollen, increasing pressure, causing them to break easily. If the blood vessels rupture, the mother does not need to worry, use cold ice on the nose and keep the nose moist.

Suggestions to help pregnant women reduce, avoid edema

To help limit edema, swelling and cause a feeling of heavy, tired, pregnant mother can refer to the following suggestions:

- A healthy diet, science, enough quality: A guaranteed diet helps provide adequate nutrition for both mother and baby, and helps limit edema.

+ Protein: Increase protein supplement by lean meat, poultry, beans, eggs .

+ Green vegetables: Add green vegetables, fruits, nuts to provide potassium for pregnant women such as sweet potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, yogurt, spinach, orange juice, watermelon .

+ Light eating: Salt is the main factor causing heavier edema by increasing salt retention of fluid, accumulating water in the mother's body. Eat light and reduce salt intake.

+ Drink enough water: When pregnant, drinking enough water will help the digestive system, urinary system work more smoothly and prevent the process of storing liquids, causing edema for the mother.

- Rest and health care: Resting and having a regular regimen will help reduce swelling and avoid fatigue for pregnant mothers. Mom can:

+ Massage: Massage, gentle massage is also helpful in reducing swelling, increasing blood circulation and helping to remove toxins from the body. Gentle massage with olive oil may also help with pain relief. Cold compression is also effective in reducing pain.

+ Do not use aromatherapy: Aromatic oils and massage chemicals are not safe for pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant mothers avoid aromatic essential oils. However, lavender oil, chamomile oil and botanical oil are great in reducing swelling and discomfort.

- Wear comfortable clothes: When edema occurs, the mother's body will swell bigger than usual. So choose to wear clothes that are spacious and comfortable, cool fabrics. Avoid tight clothing, avoid socks, tight shoes, especially tight shoes and socks for the ankles as it makes the edema increase.
