Eggs-Super foods for mother vote

Eggs are one of the very good food nutrition for women in pregnancy, good for the nervous system and the development of the body, improve memory, help the mind awake, promote liver cell regeneration.

Eggs-Super food for the mother.

A chicken egg average weight from 30-35 g, ... provide nearly half the demand of protein necessary for the body.

According to nutrition experts, egg is a type of food is very healthy for the body, has a high nutritional value because 100 g eggs provided 8 g, protein: 14, 11, 6 g of lipids, calcium 55mg, 210mg, 0, 7mg phosphorus Vitamin A.

Eat chicken eggs help reduce cholesterol in the blood, brain growth. Moreover, in chicken eggs contain many nutrients than again so many other foods so it's naturally good for pregnant women and babies in the womb.

She elected to eat eggs?

Many people find good eggs should be actively eating and encourage her vote supplements to the fetus is healthy. However, nutritional experts believe that every week should only eat 3 eggs. If eating more than the body also does not absorb the nutrients in chicken eggs.

She elected to eat more coordination in other foods such as shrimp, crab, fish, meat, milk ... to deliver more nutrients and calcium in the process of development of the fetus. She elected to eat enough rice and no added fat to protein, the body absorb essential nutrients in full.

However the future mothers should not eat eggs alive by easy to infect bacteria, furthermore also do not provide sufficient nutrients. In chicken eggs contain protein compounds, affect food absorption, causing the feeling of appetite, fatigue, muscle aches and meat. In addition to live chicken eggs to break the body's digestive function.

Who do the parents also need attention, should not eat eggs boiled in tea water, because the water in the tea contains acid, when combined with the element iron in the cell causes irritation of the stomach, affecting the stomach's digestive internal antenna position the intestinal tract.

The pregnant women gain weight too quickly or the fetus were diagnosed too to the pregnant women should limit eating eggs.=
