Good fruits for her vote, should eat regularly

She elected should choose these foods are good for you.


Nuts contain more protein, fat, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and vitamins has the effect of blood circulation, kidney tonic, provides nutrients to the muscles. She elected to eat nuts regularly are not the healthy, bones but also reduce fatigue during pregnancy.

Vegetables are very good for health she elected

Long viewed as butter fruit for mother elected as in avocado contains a high content of folate compounds have the effect of preventing malformations in the fetus very well, not the world of vegetables also contain the source of vitamin B6, A, E, D is abundant help parents vote strengthens the immune system , against the pathogens, increasing the metabolic activity of the body. More particularly, parents elected to eat avocados every day and use a little butter mixed with cooked fresh milk, yogurt to face will see your skin becomes smooth, pinky, strained backs much more vitality.

With avocado mother elected can eat fresh but it is best to grind the butter into students combined with condensed milk, fresh milk, yogurt and a little lemon juice anymore to enjoy the most delicious taste of this fruit.

Ripe bananas

Eat bananas when pregnant helps parents elected to limit the discomfort caused by morning sickness. In addition, high potassium content in bananas help prevent and limit condition of edema, cramps during pregnancy. However, her mother elected should not eat bananas when hungry because can do to break the balance of magnesium and calcium in the blood.


Unfortunately if parents elected to skip the pineapple in her pregnancy. Pineapple provides 100% of the vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy pregnancy. If eating a moderate amount of pineapple, not harm but also brings many benefits for the health of mother and baby.

Sweet potato dried

When you crave something sweet, crunchy and crispy sweet potato pieces, then dried food snacks would be helpful. If there is an oven and handy, you can do sweet potato chip because it will be less fat and sodium than drying sweet potato purchased available. In addition, you also get more health benefits from sweet potatoes like potassium, fiber, vitamins A, C and B6.=
