Iron-rich foods are good for pregnant women and the fetus is fully developed

Red meat

In the nutritional composition of iron-rich red meats, it is observed to be abundant in animal meat, especially red meat. Especially the red meats like beef, pork, lamb . The darker the meat, the more iron it contains, which is good for the development of the pregnant mother and the fetus.


Molluscs are aquatic creatures that have hard shells. These foods are often processed into quite tasty and nutritious dishes, such as shellfish, snails, clams, clams . According to nutrition experts, the nutritional content of 100 grams can contain up to 28 mg iron, enough iron for a day.

Red meat rich in iron good for the development of the mother and fetus


In the nutritional composition of vegetables contains many vitamins and minerals, broccoli is also extremely nutritious and a good source of iron. In addition, the composition of broccoli is also high in folate, vitamin K and a large amount of fiber which is very good for the resistance and digestive system of the mother and baby.

Kinds of bean

In the nutritional composition of beans such as green beans, peas and soy beans or tofu . is really a great source of protein and iron for vegetarians and pregnant mothers. In addition, the composition of legumes can also be processed into a snack for pregnant women, not only does not consume too many calories, but also provides a large amount of soluble fiber good for mother's health. and baby.

Pumpkin rich in iron good for pregnant mothers

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of iron, which is often used as a snack, delicious and convenient to use. In addition, pumpkin seeds also provide vitamin K, zinc, manganese, magnesium to help reduce the risk of insulin resistance, diabetes and depression, which is very good for the health of the pregnant mother and the fetus.
