List of foods easily cause miscarriage

1. The types of drinks:

Special: Special Tea tea as absolutely prohibited to pregnantwomen. Fluoride compounds contained in tea is very high. A tea containing 1.25 mg of fluoride. If women drink tea during pregnancy, they can easily suffer from anemia, iron deficiency and processes provide the nourishment for the fetus can be hampered.

Coffee: coffee is rich in caffeine. Provide too much caffeine for the body can lead to central nervous system stimulation. According to the study, each of 300 grams of coffee contains between 50 to 80 mg of caffeine. The fetus is very sensitive to caffeine. Caffeine can go into the placenta and affect the health of the fetus. To protect the fetus, pregnant women should avoid drinking coffee.

Alcohol: according to the study, alcohol is a significant cause of causing fetal malformation and the slow smart in the child. This is because alcohol can easily pass through the placenta to the fetal body. The result is, the density of alcohol in the body of pregnant women is almost the same with in the body of the fetus. Drinking more alcohol can hurt the heart and the brain of the fetus. Therefore, women should stop drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

2. The types of vegetables

Italian seeds of: particles can cause irritation of the uterine muscle gently and make the contraction of the uterus. If women eat more grains of Italy of course during pregnancy will probably have the risk of causing a miscarriage.

Vegetable tree sam: just as the seed of vegetable crops, Italy sam can also stimulate the uterus causing a miscarriage. So, she elected should avoid eating vegetables sam during pregnancy.

Pineapple. She elected the first 3 months of pregnancy should not eat too much, drink pineapple juice because the fruit may cause the uterine contractions do miscarriage; cause diarrhea or allergies to her vote. This was due to fresh pineapple contains bromelain has the effect softened uterus, creating substances which cause an abortion. However, through the first three months of pregnancy, the mother can eat pineapple amounts elected moderate, consistent.

Cat Apple. Cat apples are tart, harsh, very sweet with these she elected to sickness but this fruit is not really good for pregnant women. According to the document recorded, Apple do have cats euphoria, can promote uterine contractions, causing miscarriage and premature birth.

Result label. The label is a type of fruit to eat delicious, fragrant, sweet taste. However, this again is also a type of fruit parents elected not to eat during pregnancy. By pregnant women usually have symptoms in the hot and often have the phenomenon of constipation, eat many labels will increase in the blood, the blood out, mobile abdominal pain, abdomen pain, even hurt thai gas, leading to miscarriage.

Green papaya. Many studies show that green papaya or soggy must contain many enzymes and LaTeX, can cause the uterine contraction with the consequences is cause miscarriage. Moreover, green papaya also contains prostaglandins and oxytocin are substances that the body needed to boot for the moment of the birth of the child. Thus, when not enough days, enough to the child's birth, if eating green papaya, then most likely the mother elected will be miscarriage.

3. The type of food

Crabs: the crabs are considered a good food for humans because it is invigorating for the blood circulation and eliminate stagnant fluid in the fish body. However, the "invigorating" as blood circulation can serious threats to the health of the fetus. Pregnant women should avoid crabs eat to avoid the risk of miscarriage.

Turtle meat is healthy people if the turtles are very effective in fostering the kidneys in the body. However, it can also invigorate blood circulation, for which if the momentum can cause abortion.

Potatoes grow sprouts green. This is because the toxic food contains a poisonous substance called Solanin can affect the process of development of the fetus and cause more serious consequences that people not yet aware off, as the risk of causing a miscarriage.=
